Why to stay Focused?
We are living in a world that is so busy and full of many interesting options. As a student or a working person, we have certain main goals or targets from good to best, to achieve & find ways to stay focused. It’s a small attempt to explain.
This challenging world is a conflicting stage for all of us. We have to choose our track with our strength of will. So, focusing on our main goals is a must. How can we do this? It is the main question.
Few possible suggestions are given in this regard:
- Have a clear look at your goals. If we are clear, we can be more focused to achieve them. If you are younger, then this responsibility will be shifted towards elders around you, most possibly parents. They must be clear and have to provide a suitable environment for their young ones.
- We must be aware of the demands of our targets. Keep high but realistic targets before you achieve them. Unrealistic targets can be discouraging.
- Try to make a schedule for every day, with the help of elders, or do it yourself. Then try to act upon it strictly.
- Schedule the timings for doing your work and assignments and for recreational activities, in a realistic way.
- Be very regular and punctual. This quality will help you all your life. Try to finish daily tasks on a daily basis and never leave them pending.
- If we prepare our lectures beforehand, it will help a lot. We will be in a far better position to understand the materials: we have read before. It is a key to success.
- Try to limit your screen time. It is detrimental to your eyes, physique, and studies. Prefer outdoor games and exercises to make you healthy and fresh.
- Don’t depend only on your books. Try to get some extra knowledge. When teachers will examine your work, they will be happy to see some extra information and eventually it will enhance your impression and grades.
- Try to be positive, optimistic, and realistic. Do not leave your targets unfinished. Try to be persistent to have them.
- Do every possible and positive effort to get them. Make your canvas of options broader. It will help you to adjust in a better way. It will prevent you from feeling of discouragement.
- Always start everything with prayer. Be optimistic and confident.
These attractions, if they refresh us for gaining those end aims, are good but if these are acting as hurdles, then these are negative and if these negative activities become our focus, then it is alarming. All these points can be helpful in making our lives more productive and meaningful. There must be some aim in our lives that is meaningful, not only for us but for the betterment of others. It will be a real flavor of our life.