09 November 2022

The Magic of Sorry

 The word “Sorry” is a small word but it is extremely effective. The giants of misbehaves can be managed with a small Sorry. It does not mean that we adopt this as a habit, but if we do something negative, we can apologize to make our’ and others’ lives easier and we can make these from good to best and this is the magic of sorry.


In our lives, we do some acts or show an attitude that hurts others. Many times, we realize its negativity but do not admit our mistake by saying sorry. In this way, we harm our own self-image on one hand and we also make our relations somewhat weaker. If we say sorry, at the right time, it may result in a positive way and can save our relations.


If we adopt this tradition of saying sorry as a habit and then again doing the same mistakes, it will not be fruitful. Sorry means feel bad about what had happened and then decide not to do the same in future. In this way, we get the maximum of its positives.


The attitude of others around us is of great value. If we are appreciated and respected, it will be easy for all the people around us to behave in the desired way of admitting our mistakes.


In the usual conditions of our daily lives, sorry is effective but it can do miracles in critical situations. Some people forgive even crimes after listening sorry, from the opposite side. It is a common practice that sorry can decrease the level of negativity.


It is true, sometimes we feel it difficult to accept our mistake. It may seem humiliating, but if we say this small word, we will be able to resolve big issues. If we hesitate to apologize, then there can be a regret of not saying sorry. After passing that time, the value of sorry is lost.


It is well said by someone, “The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.” The first position in certain deeds matters a lot. After passing the crucial time, the best kind of action is deprecated. We must take full benefit of our good actions, to have the best results.


After saying sorry, if we explain the cause of our wrong attitude or a mistaken act, the effects must be stronger of this word. In this way, the impact of sorry will be long lasting.


It is also observed that with the sorry, we can make a good account in the heart of others. This account can be flourished by doing more positive acts. The actions after that word will weigh more due to the strong impact on your personality.


Another quality that is required is forgiveness. If someone says sorry but the recipient does not accept it, then the issue is not resolved. As human beings, we all do mistakes. So, if we accept others' sorry, then the results may be positive. It is a great virtue to say sorry and it is also a great virtue to forgive. If we have both, we can contribute to a healthy and happy life. Thus it would be better to say forgiven and forgotten. Stay happy and blessed.

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