07 November 2022

Helping Others

 Human beings are the best creation of The Creator of this universe. He can do everything in its reach and capacity. He is the best well-wisher of his own but can also do a lot for helping others, to make life from good to best.

We are born to please our creator and more than this to take care of other people around us; our parents, siblings, relatives, neighbours, friends and other fellows respectively. To help does not only means financial help, it may include help by providing some assistance, by giving some tip or guidance, by supporting morally, by backing someone in trouble or by saying some positive thing in a good way.

Superficially, it seems very small things but in fact, these are so valuable. If a person in any difficult situation is supported by any means, it becomes a blessing for that person. This small help becomes precious.

To refrain others from doing bad or behaving negatively is also included in the ways of help. It is also possible that the person will feel may feel somewhat bad, but at the end of the day, he will feel obliged. This will provide valuable help to the person in the problem.

For making life really valuable, it will be very positive to have an aim in your life. Everyone leads his life for himself. He tries his best to fulfil his needs, have some savings for the future and have some fun in his life and the life of his loved ones. A real satisfaction can be achieved to have some noble aim in life, that is beyond his own interests. It may include some welfare tasks, like providing some basic facilities to those, who don’t have, establishing some free or with less fee educational institution, providing free medical assistance, providing free or cheap residence to people in need and providing easy jobs and help in earning for leading a respectable and independent life. This kind of helping others is very much required in all societies and especially in a society like ours, where a lot of people are living a very terrible life with a very small income.

If this system can be provided on a governmental level, it will be the best. If it will not possible, then the responsibility of people, who are blessed is multiplied. We all must think about any possibility of helping others in our circle, to contribute something good in our society. We can provide pure water, any type of shelter by implanting a tree, by installing a shade in sunny or rainy weather or by speaking gently with people in need.

A society can be improved when this trend of helping others will be there. Loving and sympathetic relations among people can be established instead of extreme imbalance and lives full of tensions. Helping others will also boost you in society as a caring person. This attitude is good to best for all.


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Effectiveness of Catharsis

 Catharsis means to release or cleanse internal negative emotional pressure by telling someone about your feelings. It can help a lot. The effectiveness of Catharsis is valid for making the feelings from good to best.

The basic purpose of Catharsis is to bring about some kind of positive change in one’s life. It involves both a powerful emotional component in which strong emotions are felt and then expressed in an honest way. It also involves a cognitive component in which the individual gains new insight into his issues. This insight can affect somewhat negatively because discovery can initiate some un-comforts, but at the end of the day, it will prove good.

This term is basically used by Aristotle, who used catharsis after watching theatre plays, to release their tension. He used to treat people in trouble with the help of this technique. It was considered a fruitful way.

In daily use, we observe that sometimes we feel tension due to some events that create troublesome effects on our lives and result in awful feelings. If we share these feelings with someone, it releases this pressure to some extent. It has a therapeutic effect. By using this way of behaving, people feel relaxed.

In psychotherapy, it is used very frequently. It is proved to be a very effective tool in many therapeutic interventions. By using this, a serious type of patients used to feel better and only with the help of it they begin to improve.

Catharsis is not only a psychological term, it is used in the same way, for releasing one’s emotions. Usually, it is used by women in different ways for example through poetry, through writings or through different forms of art like painting.  In this way, a woman can express her feelings in an indirect way, which is more comfortable and acceptable in society. It can release her feelings of suppression and resulting anxiety.

It is usually understood that it is only or mostly used by women because of their passive and suppressed position in society. In fact, this is not true. It is not limited to women. Men in a society, where they are not free to do many things and are suppressed by the upper, also use catharsis as a remedy for their sufferings. They also release their tensions in positive or negative ways.

What happened when catharsis is not possible? It is observed that different kinds of effects are there in this situation. It is possible that when a person, who is in a negative situation and don’t find anyone with whom he/she can share his or her feelings, he can go to a condition of stress.  Women can go through depression or it can result in some physical ailment like hypertension or sugar. Men can become trouble creating figures in society or can go into depression as well.  

There must be opportunities for catharsis in all societies. People must provide the time to others to tell their sufferings. There must be the liberty to express feelings through any acceptable for all. There must be some professionals, who can provide this psychological help in an easy way. So, the tensions and sufferings of people can be released at least. In an ideal society, there must be an effort to decrease the discomfort level of people, by providing them possible facilities and benefits. The best way of catharsis is hidden in friendship. When one feels discomfort he/she can talk with friends to find out some way of relief.

Savings are Blessings

 Reliance to Allah the Almighty is a compulsory part of belief. He asks to save for future, saving are blessings making our lives continuously from good to best.

There must be a balance between income and expenditure. If our expenditures are more than our income, it would be a debit situation, which is problematic, in many ways. If there is a balanced relation between our income and expenditure, it is good and satisfactory. If there is some money remaining after expenditure, it is our savings. This is crucial for every person, family, and country.

Income, however, of the family or of the country is important to run it. Those who use all assets carefully and save something for future needs. The future is always unforeseen. So, we must be farsighted, to some extent. To fulfill the demands in the future, we must have some savings for those issues to deal with.

Establishing a house or a country definitely requires money and assets and saving is compulsory for all. Extravagance and extra expenditures can destroy the way to progress. To increase the pace of progress, the development of different institutions like schools, hospitals, parks, roads, scientific labs, research institutions, and effective infrastructures are required. These cannot be managed without economic support. 

Everyone must have a priority list with him. On a personal level, it would be somewhat different than on a governmental level. There must be a priority list everywhere. If this list is not made intelligently and wisely, it can harm a lot. Wrong priorities can demolish the whole system. So, we must be very conscious and careful in this way. If we give priority to superficial and fictitious things, they will definitely be neglected or given less importance.

It is a famous saying “Always prepare for the worst”. In individual or national lives, negative events can occur anytime like any natural disaster, any economic crisis, a sudden attack of some disease or any other troublesome condition, created by others. So, we have to prepare for ourselves on a personal or national level. It is a must to survive effectively. If we are well prepared for all these possible negative events, we will survive with dignity. All these disaster management needs savings. For this farsightedness will play a vital role but prior savings are crucial.

To achieve this safe condition, simplicity will play an important role. If we will utilize our budget, on an individual or national level on superficial matters, then vital issues must be neglected and saving must be a challenge. So, simplicity in living can help a lot. 

Self-reliance is a very important quality, which will help in establishing not only self-respect but self-determination as well. If we are not self-reliant, we have to depend on those who are supporting us. Then we will not be free in our decisions. This condition can be very harmful not only on an individual level but more dangerous on a national level. So, savings can save us from these negative effects. Living a simple life is far better than living a lavish life with the help of others.

Helping others, who are in need, is always important as an individual or a nation. If we have something extra only and only then we can be in a position to help others. In a system, where there is a culture of helping others, nobody will be in an awful condition. To act as an active and positive role in the system requires having something in our pocket, something extra.

We can enjoy our lives more with savings in our hands. If we are hand to mouth, we will always be in a state of trouble.  The people or nations, who save something on a regular basis, can enjoy their lives in a better way. If we have something in our account, we can enjoy some important events in a better way. We can feel relaxation and happiness by having some savings with us. We must adopt this ability in ourselves as an individual and a nation to have a better and peaceful life.

Spare The Rod And Spoil The Child

 Spare The Rod and Spoil The Child. Although this looks very harsh, it is a reality. All the etiquette and manners begin right from childbirth or even before that when the child is in the womb. All the good and bad are getting written on the new mind. Even in some localities where a child is brought up, beating a child is prohibited. This will make the child weak and coward. In some cases, it makes the child more vulnerable.

When one is moving forward there is some direction set and one goes through it. Along the path whatever you are doing, moving, walking, learning, teaching, whatever, there are some boundaries that keep you within the track of movement, so if you go beyond those boundaries some alarm is raised and you come to know that something is wrong is done. Likewise, when a child is grooming up he is grooming within some boundaries and must be kept within those limits and when he or she goes beyond that limit, like when you praise him a lot and the child becomes stubborn, then the child is punished depending upon the intensity of the incident. If only words can resolve the problem, ok, but sometimes slapping works and puts the child on track. When he does the same thing again he at once remembers that he was being punished by making this mistake, so he stops doing it and this is how he is raised becoming a disciplined citizen.

Sometimes you have to give a hard look at your child or someone when he makes some mistake. This will remind him that he was being punished for doing this so with a hard look he will remember and will stop avoiding doing it again.

It is never meant to beat a child to spoil him but to teach him to be on the right path. The punishment could be a light slap or canning. Even sometimes a word can do magic. When one child becomes disciplined and likewise another child and then following it makes children disciplined and the whole nation becomes disciplined. It is a very slow process but it is fruitful. It not only makes everyone disciplined, but it also makes you work positively and positive growth takes place. A timely punishment is also good. Punish the child there and then when he does a mistake, but when the time is gone punishing the child afterwards it does not work. On the other hand, when the child follows your instruction and remains good, appreciate him for his good behaviour. Growing a child is not as difficult as it is thought. If parents are good, who once was a child and were taught good behaviour, are now good parents, and teach their child good. Remember a child always copies you and not what you tell him to do. Or in other words, the child is a teacher who guides you. Always beating a child is also bad and must be taken care of.

Self-Regulated Learning is A new trend

 Learning is the way to the development of individuals and society. The traditional ways are good but we must search for good to best. Self-regulated learning is a new trend in the field of learning.

 As the term is self-evident, learning is regulated and controlled by the learner, under the supervision of their teachers or supervisors. This new trend in education can help a lot in making students more active. In traditional ways, teachers control the whole system as active participants and students are a passive-learners. In the new one, students are the focus of the system. 

 Imagine a student, having in a passive position, listening to teachers’ lessons or lectures, sometimes cannot listen or understands fully. Usually, it is not appreciated to ask again and again for clearance. So, their level of understanding remains low, which affects his performance in examinations. These students, after completing their studies, can have so many problems in performing any job confidently.

In this new trend, students are the main focus of the whole system. They have options, from which they select their fields themselves. They make a schedule for their studies according to their interest and their pace of learning. Then they evaluate their performance with teachers’ guidance. On the basis of his performance, they encourage themselves or otherwise. 

 The role of teachers, in this new trend, is different but important. They are going to work differently but with more perfection and activation. They are going to accept this new role with a positive mindset. They are working with all students, differently, according to their specific pace and interest. 

 This new trend will require training, at the part of teachers and the students as well. Without training, it will be not easy to adopt a new style of teaching and learning. It may require research in different related fields, like which strategies of guiding students will work better? What methods will be helpful in making students according to the demands of self-regulated learning? Are our students can use it from the beginning? How children will act in this system?

 This will require a change in our traditional educational system, at all levels. Special teachers’ training courses will have to be arranged. The training teams will also have to be trained.

 Self-regulated Learning can lead to a change in society from a grass root level. It will improve the mental abilities of students, who are the future of our society. The thinking abilities, managing strategies, and self-controlling techniques will help them to be better citizens. These students, when ultimately will work, their performance will be far better than the previous ones. This change will definitely enhance the pace of development.

To change the condition and fasten the pace of our nations’ development, these kinds of changes can help a lot. The pace of change will be slow but will be longer-lasting. These drastic steps are sometimes crucial.


 Our neighbours, the people living around us, are important ones, sometimes more than our relatives. They are our closest, who can make our lives good to best, by helping us in our needs and emergencies. Their support is so valuable that cannot be replaced by anything.

The importance of neighbours is authentic in all religions and societies. How long and how well we live is determined not only by our personal behaviour but by our social relationships and our physical environment including neighbours who can positively affect the most important aspects of our lives, laying the foundation for better health, increased safety.

It is very important to have good neighbours. If they have positive relations, it is just a blessing. We can depend on them in difficult situations. They can help in emergency situations when our relatives are not with us. We can ask them about our daily needs and hardships. In case of our travel to another area, our neighbours can take good care of our home in our absence.

If the situation is not positive and we have to deal with the neighbours, not positive with us, the situation will be miserable. We can have a lot of tensions and hardships including physical troubles, psychological issues and economic setbacks.

A good neighbourhood depends on certain grounds. If we have helpful and sincere, that’s fine. If the situation is other way round, then we do have to face many problems, we have to do efforts to improve the situation. A long term good behaviour, on our side, can make a gradual change in these relations. Patience and tolerance can help. In any case, we must be very careful. We must help them with their needs and problems. This will help a lot.

The neighbourhood is not limited to homes only, it includes cities and countries as well. Good neighbour countries can be helpful with their neighbour countries. A good neighbour country can become a very close friend. It ensures peace and development in their area.

The neighbourhood requires some rights and duties as well. The rights of one neighbour is the duty of the other. It creates a very beautiful relationship among people. The relation with or without any physical bond is precious. It is unique and inclusive indeed.

The best part of the neighbourhood brings happiness and closeness at the time of different occasions like Eid or Chrimatss or any other national festival. At that time we share some sweet dishes or some time food depending upon the occasion. Having a good neighbour is a blessing.


06 November 2022

Practice Makes A Man Perfect

Practice means to perform an act, again and again, to achieve perfection. Practice makes a man perfect and anybody can go from good to best with practice. 

There is no shortcut to practice. Practice really works. Another important aspect of practice is that first learn true things then do the practice. Otherwise, the practice of wrong things or knowledge can lead you the opposite way. Then to unlearn and then relearn will be an issue.  So, the correctness of knowledge or art is the base.

It can make the worth of a person many times, however, he is an artist or a teacher, an architect or a mason, a plumber, a player or a tailor, and so on. Picasso was a famous painter. Once a woman collided with Picasso on a street and could not recognize him at that time. When he told her who he was, she asked him to make a drawing for her. He made a beautiful painting in only 3o seconds, which means within half a minute. She asked for a price and Picasso told her 5 million. She became so surprised and did not pay anything. Then she took that painting to different art shops. They recognized that this was made by Picasso and told the same price, 5 million. She searched for Picasso and asked him to teach her how to make this picture. He replied that, behind these 30 seconds, there was the practice of 30 years.

So, if we want to excel in any field, we require practice. There is no substitute for practice. With practice, we can improve our quality of work, increase our speed, and can avoid mistakes. It always requires some time to have practice in any field. Intelligence can play a vital role to perform any task in a better way. It also can shorten the period of practice, but the practice is a must. Practice can be a substitute, in a way, of the sharpness of mind. It is usually observed that if a person who is less intelligent performs better than an intelligent person.

Intelligence is obviously God-gifted. There are so many people who do not use their intelligence fully, due to different reasons. He may have unfavorable circumstances, socially or economically. We can improve our performance with practice. 

There is a relationship between practice and motivation. Without motivation, practice will not be easy. Motivation can be for doing something good or achieving some target. Practice can give you confidence, respect, and worth. One hockey players’ performance was outstanding. It was felt that the ball was attached to his hockey. All players and spectators were very much inspired by him. On asking he told the reason that he practiced a lot. He used to keep the ball on the railway track with the help of his hockey. So, his practice gave him a worth.

It is very much important for students as well. Those who practice their conceptual, reading, and writing skills, perform better. With practice, the deep impressions on our minds are evolved. Which can help us in remembering information or performing a task with ease and quickness. In different professions, practice and updating of knowledge can help a lot. Without these, we cannot excel anywhere.

There are no shortcuts to a successful life. We must prepare ourselves to hardworking by practicing and making an effort. In this way we can lead a better life, can help our families and can perform any good for our society as well.

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 Lifestyle mastery is an evolving journey of refining one's daily habits and routines to better align with personal goals and values....