07 November 2022

Savings are Blessings

 Reliance to Allah the Almighty is a compulsory part of belief. He asks to save for future, saving are blessings making our lives continuously from good to best.

There must be a balance between income and expenditure. If our expenditures are more than our income, it would be a debit situation, which is problematic, in many ways. If there is a balanced relation between our income and expenditure, it is good and satisfactory. If there is some money remaining after expenditure, it is our savings. This is crucial for every person, family, and country.

Income, however, of the family or of the country is important to run it. Those who use all assets carefully and save something for future needs. The future is always unforeseen. So, we must be farsighted, to some extent. To fulfill the demands in the future, we must have some savings for those issues to deal with.

Establishing a house or a country definitely requires money and assets and saving is compulsory for all. Extravagance and extra expenditures can destroy the way to progress. To increase the pace of progress, the development of different institutions like schools, hospitals, parks, roads, scientific labs, research institutions, and effective infrastructures are required. These cannot be managed without economic support. 

Everyone must have a priority list with him. On a personal level, it would be somewhat different than on a governmental level. There must be a priority list everywhere. If this list is not made intelligently and wisely, it can harm a lot. Wrong priorities can demolish the whole system. So, we must be very conscious and careful in this way. If we give priority to superficial and fictitious things, they will definitely be neglected or given less importance.

It is a famous saying “Always prepare for the worst”. In individual or national lives, negative events can occur anytime like any natural disaster, any economic crisis, a sudden attack of some disease or any other troublesome condition, created by others. So, we have to prepare for ourselves on a personal or national level. It is a must to survive effectively. If we are well prepared for all these possible negative events, we will survive with dignity. All these disaster management needs savings. For this farsightedness will play a vital role but prior savings are crucial.

To achieve this safe condition, simplicity will play an important role. If we will utilize our budget, on an individual or national level on superficial matters, then vital issues must be neglected and saving must be a challenge. So, simplicity in living can help a lot. 

Self-reliance is a very important quality, which will help in establishing not only self-respect but self-determination as well. If we are not self-reliant, we have to depend on those who are supporting us. Then we will not be free in our decisions. This condition can be very harmful not only on an individual level but more dangerous on a national level. So, savings can save us from these negative effects. Living a simple life is far better than living a lavish life with the help of others.

Helping others, who are in need, is always important as an individual or a nation. If we have something extra only and only then we can be in a position to help others. In a system, where there is a culture of helping others, nobody will be in an awful condition. To act as an active and positive role in the system requires having something in our pocket, something extra.

We can enjoy our lives more with savings in our hands. If we are hand to mouth, we will always be in a state of trouble.  The people or nations, who save something on a regular basis, can enjoy their lives in a better way. If we have something in our account, we can enjoy some important events in a better way. We can feel relaxation and happiness by having some savings with us. We must adopt this ability in ourselves as an individual and a nation to have a better and peaceful life.

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