14 July 2022

Learning From Experience

Learning is the process of getting some knowledge, enhancing our experience, and change in behavior, in the desired way. There are so many ways of gaining experience: from books, from parents, from elders, from teachers, from society, and from our own personal experiences. All above mentioned are valuable and authentic ones. Some learn from one source more than the others and some rely on many of them. The purpose of all learning is traveling from good to best way of behaving. This is learning from experience.

Learning from experience means to learn about something from experience obviously. This experience can be of our own or of others; of different people, of different books written by different writers, of the history of people, and so on.

Experiential Learning

As the name suggests, experiential learning is the process of learning through experience. Experiential learning theory was initially proposed by psychologist David Kolb who emphasized how experiences influence the learning process. Kolb defined experiential learning as "the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience.  It includes:

Concrete Experience

In a concrete experience, each learner engages in an activity or task Concrete experience provides information that serves as a basis for further learning steps. The main thing required in this stage is the involvement of the learner. This quality may produce the best results.

Reflective Observation:

Reflection is a process of exploring and examining ourselves, our perspectives, attributes, experiences, and actions/interactions. It helps us gain insight and see how to move forward. Reflection is often done as writing, possibly because this allows us to probe our reflections and develop them more thoughtfully. Active or reflective experimentation. This may be done by these 5 processes:

  1. Reporting
  2. Reasoning
  3. Responding
  4. Relating
  5. Reconstructing

Abstract Conceptualization:

A learning ability or mode that requires thinking or conceptualizing when learning from experience.

Active experimentation:

This stage in the cycle is the testing stage. Learners return to participating in a task, this time with the goal of applying their conclusions to new experiences. They are able to make predictions, analyze tasks, and make plans for the acquired knowledge in the future.

According to Kolb, people who are considered "watchers" prefer reflective observation, while those who are "doers" are more likely to engage in active experimentation.

Experiential learning is becoming far more common in schools and educational institutes around the world. In this phase of life, people learn through these steps, sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly. Successful learning follows a practical and successful life, by using this learning style.

It is human nature that he wants to learn from his own experience. Maybe it is the best way. In this way, our retention will be more accurate and clearer. Whatever we learn, we can utilize with precision and perfection. We can transfer our learned knowledge with more confidence and accuracy. But this process can be practically possible in only some aspects. We are not in a position, to learn all kinds of things from our own experience. In our educational process, from the nursery to the higher levels, we have to depend upon the knowledge developed by others. Then we have to depend on teaches as well. Now we depend more on Internet, for most of our required knowledge, for making assignments and for doing preparations for exams.

All the developments in different fields of life are dependent on the prevailing body of knowledge, collected by our predecessors. Otherwise, new discoveries and inventions are impossible or will be very time-consuming. We have to have some base, for doing new experiments. We cannot do anything in a vacuum. So, we are to take some prior findings as to the measures for comparison of our incoming figures. It is a continuous process of series of findings in a logical way.

The people, who try to learn from the experiences of others, good or bad, usually sustain a good direction in life without loosening precious time, valuable efforts, and avoiding awful events. These can lead a person towards a meaningful and positive life.

Honesty Is The Best Policy

What is Honesty is the Best Policy

Honesty is the Best Policy, is an idiom or we can say a factual reality. Let’s see what is Honesty? “The quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness. truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness. freedom from deceit or fraud”. All these qualities are included in this one word. It means it’s an umbrella term for all these good qualities.
If we see in-depth, we come to know that all these good traits are demanded and required by society. Not only a good society but these are the characteristics of a good and peaceful family as well. In the absence of these, any progressive and flourishing society cannot be established.


Societies came into being after divine guidance, usually have all of these characteristics in the best form. The distance from that period decreases these values gradually. So, a special effort has to be taken into account, to revive those ones. Different people and organizations try their best to hold these qualities, but they find it difficult.

Where is it found least

In most of the developing countries, we will find that the situation is not very positive. In every department, especially the departments of public dealings like police and judiciary. The image of these institutions is not good. The reason for this image is that the general public has to face a negative attitude there. They do not find sincere cooperation, honest dealing, respect, or desired fair results. The worldwide condition of these institutions may be better but is not ideal. The reason behind this is the lack of honesty. Behind this condition, there may be the unfair economic conditions of these departments. So, to fulfill the basic requirements, they have to adopt these unfair means. Now they have become so habitual that it is beyond any limits. In these circumstances, there are so many people who present an honest attitude.  Those people who are presenting exemplary behavior for others, maybe these societies are surviving due to them.

What is honesty?

Honesty is a valuable trait in a world full of false promises. The person who is truthful, trustworthy or genuine. Honesty leads to a fulfilling, free life. Honesty is not just about telling the truth. It's about being real with yourself and others. Honesty sharpens our perception and allows us to observe everything around us with clarity. We must know the qualities of an honest person, so we can try to be one of the desired ones:

  1. They're Not Concerned About Popularity Contests. Honest people don't obsess over what peers think of them. They simply are who they are, and other people can accept them or reject them.
  2. They Stand Up for Their Beliefs. Honest individuals aren't afraid to speak their minds. Honest people will adopt the right position and state their opinions.
  3. They Are Thick Skinned. Honesty requires thick skin. Not all people love hearing the truth, and when you dish out a fresh dose of reality, some might be inclined to back in your face. Honest individuals may fall victim to the insecure defensiveness of others, requiring them to be thick-skinned.
  4. They Have Close Friendships. As a result, individuals who are honest often have rich, meaningful friendships. Others know that their honest friend won't complain about them behind their back and desire their betterment. This level of trust allows for deeper, healthier relationships.
  5. They Are Trusted by Peers. Peers will seek the aid of honest individuals, knowing they can count on them for true, objective advice. Many others will lie and tell you the story you want to hear. Others trust honest individuals to tell them how it really is, without sugar-coating the truth.

So, we will try to be honest, and act our part in a positive way. Honesty will definitely create an effect that is more lasting and desired.

The Object Of The Superior Man Is Truth

  • Confucius in his quote says “The object of the superior man is truth”, sincerity and truth are the basis of every virtue. The superior man has the feeling of truthfulness. They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it.

    According to Confucius who is known as the first teacher in China, truthfulness is the basis of every virtue. Without truth, nothing valuable can be achieved.  Sincerity is an essential quality of people.


    This is only one good to best quality which Confucius has described of a supper-man. Supper-man is an ideal person, which he named Nobel-man and great-man. He was really a very wise person, looking like a Man of God. His teachings are of great value and can be taken as golden words.


    These quotes are not only admirable but are recommendable to apply in our lives. The actual effectiveness of his quotes is to understand them fully and then try our best to act upon them. In this way, we can make our lives like supper-man.


    It is also a fact that it will not be an easy thing to lead our lives truthfully. There are so many distractors that hinder our ways toward honesty. So, it will be necessary to establish the nobility of the virtue of truthfulness. Only and only then we can get the full benefit of the virtue of truth.


    Truth is a quality, recommended by almost all religious groups. There is no other view about truthfulness. It is an international quality, which is commendable and recommendable. It is very important to apply this rule in our lives, by using all our efforts.


12 July 2022

Power Of Sound Of Silence

Types of Power

There are many kinds of power in this world. The power of words, the power of wealth or money, the power of the military, the power of politics, the power of media, the power of people, the power of religion, the power of speech, and the power of sound of silence. All these powers create very powerful effects on this world. The history of the man establishes the strength of these factors. The drastic changes in this world, positive or negative, are dependent on these changes.

What is Silence

Silence means the state of not speaking or talking. Silence is a rich and powerful tool of communication and provides some clues as to how it works in different areas of human communication and how it can be accounted for by various theories.

Silence can also be helpful in understanding so many issues in a better way. The people who talk more and listen less, are usually losing much information. In fact, we can do one thing at one time. If we focus on speaking, we will not be able to listen carefully to anybody else.

This world with its all beauties, its marvelous scenes, the world of stars and galaxies, the flying clouds of unbelievable greyish colors, so innocent and pretty world of flowers, smoothly flowing rivers, the vast and dense forests and above all the endless sky, all are silently presenting such a heart touching view that cannot be ignored at all. This silent beauty cannot be explained truly by famous writers. It can only be felt by eyes.

Importance of Silence

Silence is very beneficial in most life situations. It can save us from so many unwanted and undesirable social situations. To speak more can create a lot of problems for speakers. We can avoid unhappy events. If we review the situation of law enforcement agencies, we will find the cases of crimes only and only due to excessive and unbearable talk. Which can easily be avoided by keeping silent. If a question is met with silence, there is often an answer in that silence. We can also soften the blow of a negative answer by silence being the response. If we are silent, we send a powerful message that communicates that we don't agree or are not going along with what someone is saying.  

It is not easy to develop this quality in ourselves. It will require patience and persistence. It will not be easy to make ourselves quiet after listening to anything we don’t like.

To be Silent

Creativity is a quality that needs silence. In a noisy atmosphere, nothing can be created. We cannot concentrate properly and concentration is a basic requirement for the creation of any kind. Creative people are usually not talkative. If our focus is on talking, we cannot think deeply. Our minds can work better in one direction at one time. So that we observe that creative people like silent places and situations. It is a fact that noise has been linked to a lower level of learning. 

The physical benefits of silence are definitely there. A study published in the journal of Heart discovered that two minutes of silence can prove to be even more relaxing than listening to “relaxing” music. They based these findings on changes they noticed in blood pressure and blood circulation in the brain. Silence enhances our cognitive resources. Studies show that silence can actually stimulate new cell growth in the brain, improve memory, and release tension. A study conducted in 2015 found that spending some time each day in silence, specifically in mindfulness meditation, reduced insomnia and fatigue in our older adults.

Silence can be beneficial to know yourself in a better way. When we consciously practice silence and deep listening in our relationships we may feel more compassion and empathy for the people in our lives. When we put a pause on auditory stimulation, it’s easier to hear our intuition and we can hear a small voice inside that’s always whispering to us but that we can’t hear when our ears are listening to nothing.

Silence is two-way. One is to be silent and the other is outer silence. Both are beneficial not only for our health but also helpful for our surroundings and our relations with others.

Might Is Right

Might is Right

Might is right is an idiom, which means who has strength or power can do everything, good or bad. Is it true all the time? If we observe the history of this world, we see in most of the cases, it is proved true but not in all cases.

In our society, in almost all fields of life, we see its implementation. In politics, in government, in the social sector, in sports, and in all of the institutions. In its presence, the majority of the people have to face a lot of problems, inconvenience, and mental torture. In these circumstances, people cannot lead productive or even peaceful life. A positive pressure is a must in a successful life but negative and undue pressures affect negatively.

There is only one, who has the real Might. All others, who have might are under His Jurisdiction. They must try to follow Him in this regard. If it is followed, then this might can be called Right. If they try to do it, their might will be a right might and will be good to best. Right might is always justified and may produce positive results. It will help to maintain justice, peace, and happiness in the society. If the case is opposite, the results would be reversed and could be severe.

The history of divine people shows that they do not have worldly power but their power is always right. So without any worldly might, they have spiritual power and it affected the people a lot. If they achieve worldly power as well, due to their justice and spiritual strength, their might was right. They implement their powers with justice and equality. So, they are always successful and followed by the majority of the people.

In the majority of the cases, we see that this rule is working in an extremely negative way. In the world, countries acting as superpowers, are using their might in their interest only. They don’t consider other countries as independent countries. To destroy any country, to achieve their own goals, without any sense of guilt. They don’t respect human lives, women, children, or even patients. If they are, in actuality, superpowers, you have more responsibility to do justice and protect small countries. If you hold this power in a positive way, it will be a great job.

If might is considered as intelligence or goodness, then it is positive. If intelligence is used for the betterment of the society and humanity, then this intelligence or might is the right one. It can also be used to get unjust benefits for ourselves by harming others. This type of intelligence is not acceptable.

The power, might be the power of wealth, the power of social status, the power of religious status, or the power of politics. In general, these powers are used as might in our society. The people having these powers exploit the general public by misleading them or by letting them down unfairly or using political power by force. These all kinds of powers are mighty but not right if used without justice. And It depends upon the people, who have these powers to use it either fairly or unfairly. By using these powers in a positive way, keeping in view the betterment of society and people, these can become a blessing or otherwise can become a curse for all.

07 July 2022

Demands Of Patriotism

Patriotism involves loving our homeland with full devotion, love and care. It is a natural emotion found in every citizen of a country. If it is found in the hearts of all the citizens, demands of patriotism will be the most precious thing for any country. For making a country good to best, patriotism can play a vital role. 

Patriotism refers to the passionate love one has for their country. This virtue pushes citizens of a country to work for their country selflessly and make it better. A truly developed country is made up of true patriots.

Throughout history, patriots have acted to help end slavery, to promote women's suffrage, to protect the civil rights of all citizens, to achieve economic opportunities and to promote numerous other social justice causes. In different countries, different kinds of tasks are performed by the people with patriotism.

Patriotism is a virtue of citizens which may flicker, according to the demand of time and the issues faced by any country. In times of crisis, patriotism unites us. We put our differences aside to help our countrymen in need. This time is the golden time when the patriotism of the citizens of a country changes the fate of their nation.

We all must know the ways to manifest our patriotism. One way is to utilize our right to vote. This is our supreme responsibility, which requires us to be motivated to use this right with honesty and responsibility. We must be free from our personal interests and consider only the betterment of our country. We must be loyal to our country and never do anything that may harm our beloved country or people. We must give our best to our country. The rules of it must be our honour. We must pay our all taxes honestly.

We can show our Patriotism in all roles we occupy in society. As students, we must be hardworking and disciplined in our studies. As a teacher, we must be more responsible by performing our good to best qualities and must show our patriotism by our all acts. In this way, we can automatically be inserting it into our new generations. As a parent, we must have a very vital role to grow such children, whose hearts are full of patriotism, in this way, we can save the future of our country.

Patriotism is natural in some people while in others it can be developed. It can be developed consciously. A sense of patriotism is required for the well-being and development of a country. It is very important to develop it in ourselves.

Patriotism allows a nation to take pride in the country's past, present and future achievements. When we feel patriotic about our country, we are better placed to stand and rise against the differences that harm and devalue our country. To establish it we must be active citizens by taking part in politics in a positive way, doing our jobs with devotion, paying our taxes, celebrating national events, praying for it and sacrificing for the betterment of our country. These types of citizens are the true credit to a country.

02 July 2022

Self-Talk Is Really Meaningful

Human beings remain busy all the time in doing something. We usually are thinking about us or our related people and different issues we face. In all these, we do self-talk. We deliver different messages to ourselves continuously. We struggle in our lives to make it from good to best and our positive self-talk can play a vital role in it. 


Self-talk is our internal dialogue. It's influenced by our personality, our social and economic conditions, our family background, our past experiences and believes. It reflects our mindset, our ideas about life, our aims and motivational level.


Self-talk is something we do naturally throughout our waking hours. If we are doing positive self-talk, it is a powerful tool for increasing our self-confidence, enhancing our motivational level and making us more productive.


Self-talk really works. We cannot stay thoughtless anytime. We are sending some messages to ourselves all the time. These messages are so important in our lives and our future lives are dependent on these messages. These can uplift us and can degrade us as well. So, self-talk is of prime importance in our lives. We can analyze our self-talk and then we can change it in the desired way. The good news is that we have a choice in how we talk with us. It will require some conscious effort and practice.


In our lives, there are so many situations, when we feel down and discouraged. It is a common practice. If we want to get rid of that feeling, we have to change our self-image by changing our self-talk. In this way we can take help by reviewing our past examples of successes and happiness. People around us can also boost us.


Positive self-talk is an effective stress reduction tool. It is also used in psychology as a therapy. People with behavioural issues can change their lives only by changing their self-talk with the help of professional psychologists. From correcting negative thoughts to coping during difficult times, positive self-talk changes lives.


In our general lives, we must do some struggle with our negative self-talk. In this way, we can change not only our feelings but change the direction of our lives. Some positive self-talk can be like: I am worthwhile and my thoughts and feelings are valuable or I am grateful for my healthy body and healthy life or I must be kind with me and with others, to make them happy. In this way we can improve our scenario, positively.  This will be a great blessing for us and the world around us.

Crafting Your Unique Path: Navigating Lifestyle Mastery and Personal Growth

 Lifestyle mastery is an evolving journey of refining one's daily habits and routines to better align with personal goals and values....