12 July 2022

Power Of Sound Of Silence

Types of Power

There are many kinds of power in this world. The power of words, the power of wealth or money, the power of the military, the power of politics, the power of media, the power of people, the power of religion, the power of speech, and the power of sound of silence. All these powers create very powerful effects on this world. The history of the man establishes the strength of these factors. The drastic changes in this world, positive or negative, are dependent on these changes.

What is Silence

Silence means the state of not speaking or talking. Silence is a rich and powerful tool of communication and provides some clues as to how it works in different areas of human communication and how it can be accounted for by various theories.

Silence can also be helpful in understanding so many issues in a better way. The people who talk more and listen less, are usually losing much information. In fact, we can do one thing at one time. If we focus on speaking, we will not be able to listen carefully to anybody else.

This world with its all beauties, its marvelous scenes, the world of stars and galaxies, the flying clouds of unbelievable greyish colors, so innocent and pretty world of flowers, smoothly flowing rivers, the vast and dense forests and above all the endless sky, all are silently presenting such a heart touching view that cannot be ignored at all. This silent beauty cannot be explained truly by famous writers. It can only be felt by eyes.

Importance of Silence

Silence is very beneficial in most life situations. It can save us from so many unwanted and undesirable social situations. To speak more can create a lot of problems for speakers. We can avoid unhappy events. If we review the situation of law enforcement agencies, we will find the cases of crimes only and only due to excessive and unbearable talk. Which can easily be avoided by keeping silent. If a question is met with silence, there is often an answer in that silence. We can also soften the blow of a negative answer by silence being the response. If we are silent, we send a powerful message that communicates that we don't agree or are not going along with what someone is saying.  

It is not easy to develop this quality in ourselves. It will require patience and persistence. It will not be easy to make ourselves quiet after listening to anything we don’t like.

To be Silent

Creativity is a quality that needs silence. In a noisy atmosphere, nothing can be created. We cannot concentrate properly and concentration is a basic requirement for the creation of any kind. Creative people are usually not talkative. If our focus is on talking, we cannot think deeply. Our minds can work better in one direction at one time. So that we observe that creative people like silent places and situations. It is a fact that noise has been linked to a lower level of learning. 

The physical benefits of silence are definitely there. A study published in the journal of Heart discovered that two minutes of silence can prove to be even more relaxing than listening to “relaxing” music. They based these findings on changes they noticed in blood pressure and blood circulation in the brain. Silence enhances our cognitive resources. Studies show that silence can actually stimulate new cell growth in the brain, improve memory, and release tension. A study conducted in 2015 found that spending some time each day in silence, specifically in mindfulness meditation, reduced insomnia and fatigue in our older adults.

Silence can be beneficial to know yourself in a better way. When we consciously practice silence and deep listening in our relationships we may feel more compassion and empathy for the people in our lives. When we put a pause on auditory stimulation, it’s easier to hear our intuition and we can hear a small voice inside that’s always whispering to us but that we can’t hear when our ears are listening to nothing.

Silence is two-way. One is to be silent and the other is outer silence. Both are beneficial not only for our health but also helpful for our surroundings and our relations with others.

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