“Sometimes the people with the worst past, create the best future” is one of the quotes by Hazrat Umar Ibn Al-Khattab. It means that the time doesn’t remain the same. We must not remain all the time, in the same condition. We can make our lives from good to best, with the help of prayers, effort and hard work.
It is observed commonly that the condition of the people doesn’t remain the same. It is variable with respect to the divine will, the strategies the person adopts, the prevalent social conditions and the nature of the person. It is proved true in the case of the originator of this quote. He was a different person altogether, before his acceptance of Islam. He became a totally new person and proved to be a great Muslim leader, afterwards. He proved his quotation word by word.
We see these examples all around us. It is observed that the families, who are not well off, worldly or spiritually, became well off in the next generation. What was the history behind this drastic change? They struggled a lot to uplift their condition. They had to face a lot of hardships in their lives to get their desired position.
This quotation is true in its original form and it is also proved factual in its revers form, which establishes its truthfulness. There are so many examples of people who belong to well-established families but they could not restore their status. The reasons behind this change can be so many including; the children of these families are enjoying very good economic and social conditions. They did not require to strive for better conditions. With the passage of time, they became habitual of not striving for anything. Then ultimately they lost their desire to strive for betterment. So, in this way, their backward journey started.
It is in our own interest to strive for a better position, with respect to spiritual status, economic condition and social set-up. To plan and do a purposeful effort to achieve the desired position, is essential. Devine support is an integral part of this process, so, we have to strive for this ultimate support.