08 November 2022

Plan your Day and Life

 Life is very precious and it is going on slowly and unknowingly. So, you have to plan your day and life, to get more from less time & to travel from good to best.

An unplanned work or job or day or life is definitely different from a planned one. With planning, we can make a priority list, what will be done first, then on the second number, and so on. This way we can complete our daily tasks in time. We also can have an idea, maybe it would a rough one, about the time it will take, the issues that you will face, to some extent, and the things and institutions you will require. This planning will help you out and will give you a sense of accomplishment. It will be a great blessing indeed.

Many people, very intelligent, with high esteem, sometimes cannot achieve what they deserve. If we see in-depth, somewhere mismanagement of their time will be there. Life is the most precious credit we have. So, we must be very careful and sensitive about it. Whatever we have been given by our creator, we must use it in the best way. We should use the intelligence we have given, our body strengths we have, the money we have, and the relatives we are blessed with, in the best possible way. In this way we can achieve the best results for our assets.

This planning can be done in different ways. It is not necessary to have it in a written form but it is the better one. The latter will be more beneficial in doing self-comparison of different periods of life. In this way, we can manage it more efficiently. 

If we consider the planning of our coming days, it will be the base of our whole life. The day is the basic unit. The time of starting our day, the sequence of different jobs and works, according to their importance is of key importance. In this way, we can manage our lives in a better way and we can also foresee possible hurdles. We can be better able to handle those effectively. 

Planning is helpful not only in the life of individuals but in the life of a family and a country as well. Planning can change the fate of a country. All fields of a country e.g. economics, education, health, defense, or judiciary need effective planning. Good planning can save resources, can generate more resources, and use all these in a better way. Several examples are there of those countries, who develop in a very rapid way and reach a very high level. On the other way round, ill-planning or no planning can destroy a lot.

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