06 October 2022

Value Of Time

Time is a precious asset. If we use it in a good way, it can make us special. The other way round, we can lose a lot. So, we try to manage our time in such a way, that our priorities must be fulfilled in a better way. To make our lives from good to best, we have to have better options and try our best to achieve them by knowing the value of time.

Time management is an essential part of our lives. It is also related to our age and maturity level. Some people start it in their early years and some start in their adult lives but some start it never. It may be dependent upon our family traditions, personal exposure and the life conditions we have to face. Those who control their time, usually get the most and those who are controlled by time, don’t have this opportunity.

In history, we find many examples of people, who managed their time in a better way and they became giants in their fields. Many scientists like Charles Darwin, Benjamin Franklin, and famous writer Charles Dickens are some of the examples. Our Muslim Scientists like Ibn-e Siena, Ibn-ul –Hashem and so many others. 

Time management provides us with many plus points like good performance, better level of satisfaction and relaxation, lower down stress and feelings of confidence and happiness in life. To achieve this valuable target, we have to adopt some strategies like:

  •  Make a list of daily tasks intentionally. Haphazard efforts and hard-works cannot produce more positive results.
  • Minimize distractions by foxing on your priority tasks.
  • Try to focus on one thing at one time. In this way, we can produce better results.
  • Review the whole day in the end, honestly. It will help to improve the quality and quantity of our work. In this way, we can encourage our own selves and can make better planning for the coming time.

We must re-schedule our lives, at any stage of life we are, for the sake of betterment in our lives. As our lives are the most precious thing we have, our time is also a costly asset. We must be couscous about the two with the same care. In this way, we can change our personal and collective life. 

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