11 April 2022

Impact Of Internet On Our Lives

Everything has an impact good or bad but some are more susceptible than others. The impact of internet on our lives has an extremely life-changing factor. Nobody is free from its powerful images on the lives of individuals, families, organizations and societies. It is changing us from good to best or working as vice versa.

 On the positive side: 

  1. No doubt, the internet is one of the most powerful inventions in the present world, changing our small towns, villages and cities into a global world.
  2. A great rush of all types of information is there, for all of us to get benefit from it. We can get every kind of knowledge, in a short time about all segments of life. 
  3. We can do all kinds of shopping, without going anywhere. It saves our time, money and effort.
  4. We can communicate with a lot of people and increase our list of friends, our exposure, general knowledge and a variety of recipes.
  5. Its greatest use is in making the process of education easy and interesting. We can make our assignments, can complete our homework and can find all kinds of information.
  6. We can have online jobs that can help us work from home. It can be helpful for students and household women. In this way, they can contribute to the family income.
  7. Our IQ level can improve by enhancing our exposure and using more types of our abilities by using different informative websites.
  8. Our vocabulary of words, jobs and information can be improved.
  9. We can have our religious education by using courses and online classes.

On the negative side:

  1. We can waste our time sitting on our lap-top, computer or tablet. It can harm seriously our studies.
  2. We can have an excess of negative information on the internet. It can have a negative impact on our personality.
  3. It is open to all at all times and for people of all ages. To restrict small children, from the information not required for kids, will be difficult.
  4. A lot of people became so habitual in using it, which can be resulted in Insomnia, and lack of sleep. Which can harm our health and mind at the same time.
  5. Our hearing ability can also be disturbed by using microphones for a longer period of time.
  6. It is observed that the children who sit most of their time in front of the computer, have to use glasses of very high numbers. It will damage, not only our image but also have a negative effect on our mental effectiveness.
  7. It has destroyed our family and social life. People sitting together, have their own surroundings, according to the sites they are using. 
  8. Immature young fellows can be involved in harmful or even dangerous activities through the internet.
  9. Its rays can harm our eyes, brain and skin as well especially using it without using precautionary actions.


The usage of everything, no matter how positive it is, depends upon its usage. If we use the internet excessively or make negative use of it, then we definitely have to face its negative consequences. So, it is up to us as to how can we utilize this blessing in a way that can become really a blessing for us.

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