22 June 2023

Our Children: An Asset

Children are the main and the most important part of our homes, society, and the nation. Families require children for their completion, and in their absence, the family feels boredom and incompletion. They are a blessing and can make our lives from good to best, in almost every aspect of life.

‘Children are our future’ it is a famous saying. It is really a true one, in different ways, like; our future depends upon them. If our children complete their education in a good way, they can have good jobs and can perform their family responsibilities in a good way. It also requires the best care, love, and training in different fields of life. It does not mean that we must be under the pressure of our children, but it means they must be the central part of our family. They must be the centre of our attention, our family routine, our priorities, our planning must be child focus. In this way, we can make their lives in a positive direction.

Parents are the main administrators of the family, under the guidance of grandparents, in joint families. All members must be given due respect and iimportance,including children. The way of giving importance and respect is different for every person. If elders and parents are respected in a family, then children will learn to give respect to their parents and elders.

The rules and routine of a family must be set very carefully. It will have a deep and influential impact on the people living in it. If initially, it is set in a positive way, it can provide a solid and good base for life in the future. It will be a very basic and positive base for the family members. It will be a real blessing, that will have a longer lasting impact.

Children must be raised with care, love, and responsibility. They must be given self-confidence and self-respect. We must present our own life in an exemplary way because they follow actions far more than our sayings. They remember the attitude and way of responding to their parents and elders throughout their lives.

Our children can be of different natures and mental abilities. We must give them unconditional acceptance and love to them. We must not compare our children with other children. It may not be helpful in their upbringing. We must focus on the grooming of our children and try our best to enhance their exposure. It may help them face different issues in their lives. 

If we have normal and healthy children, it will be a great blessing. If we have special children, definitely we are special parents with many more responsibilities. We have to be more courageous and brave ones. We have been given a more taught task to do and we must perform more carefully. We must try our best to raise our children in a way, that can help them be more independent and practical. Definitely, it will be dependent on the condition of our children. 

Our children are a great blessing, they make our lives purposeful, meaningful, and lively. Parents who are not blessed with children can face sometimes many additional issues in their lives. Children perform as a bonding factor in any family. The parents, who don’t have children, can adopt children, to have the taste of becoming a parent. In this way not only married couples become parents, some children have their parents. It will be a great blessing both for parents and children.

Being a parent is a blessing and a great responsibility at the same time. So, we must lead our lives very carefully to perform this duty in a way that can result in a better way.

15 June 2023

Importance of Elderly People

Like old is gold, elders are very important for us, our family, and the whole society. Our family life is based on our elders’ lives. Basically, we are dependent on our elders for our survival. All our needs are fulfilled with love and care by our elders. We can make our lives from good to best by giving due respect to our elders.

Growing and ageing is a natural process that all individuals experience. Nobody is born elderly, all of us were born as infants. Gradually, everyone goes through different life experiences of different roles of a child, then a young adult, then an older adult, and finally an elder one. All of these roles are very demanding in themselves and provide different experiences for an individual.

Elders are very precious to their children, like the roots of a tree. They have a lifetime experience in different fields of life. They can solve family disputes in a wise way. The most important point is that they are thdrivingng force for the whole family. They are the centre of family, children feel safe and secure in the presence of parents and found no alternate of them anywhere.   

Elders are associated with us with blood relations. In this case, we have a loving relationship with them. In most of the cases, normally we live in joint families. A new trend is in practice is nuclear family system, where after marriage children start their new families. Both systems have positive and negative points.

 In our Asian culture, joint families are mostly present, but in western culture, nuclear families are found in majority of the cases. The main reason behind it is their economic conditions, all family members have to do some work. Their elderly members, who need care, have to live in old- homes. Living in these homes has both pros and cons.

Elders in old homes have to leave their loved ones and their care have to depend on unknown ones (especially in the initial days) and have to wait for their own people for days, or weeks. On the other hand, when they live with their own children, who are working, they became alone and helpless. In old homes, trained nurses and workers take a good care of them. with the passage of time elder people form their bonds and settled with them with time.

The main thing is humanity, that requires a positive attitude towards each other. There must be a close bond between parents and children. Then they can decide to live in a joint family or live separately as nuclear family. This will be settled in an amicable and positive way. Love and care must remain the main elemelementsthese relation, that is the real charm of these relations.

08 June 2023

Importance of Hobbies

Hobbies are the activities that provide us with leisure time management and a feeling of satisfaction. Hobbies are based on personal interests and choices. Due to this fact, there are a variety of hobbies. Good hobbies can convert our lives from good to best by making us relaxed.

Why do we have hobbies in a busy world full of responsibilities? There are many reasons, like:

  1. Mental health. With a very busy schedule in life, we became stressed and over-burdened routine. To make us relaxed, we require something, that can make us relaxed and fresh mentally.

  2. We learn about new things. When we do something other than our routine work, we have to learn more about that specific task or hobby. When we do anything with our desire, we try our best to do it in a good way. In this way, we learn new things.

  3. Decrease tension. Free or leisure time is a blessing in a challenging life. If we remain free for a long period of time, we get bored and sometimes have some issues. By adopting some hobbies, we can utilize that time in a positive way.

  4. Gives confidence. Hobbies give confidence to the person. People with free time, the people with hobbies can deal easily. Sometimes, we have to face a long time, without any job, due to an epidemic, or an injury the people who have or chose some hobby, can pass that time positively.

We can have a variety of hobbies; painting, stitching, knitting, flower making, gardening, home decoration, photography, and book reading. All these are positive and valuable. These provide satisfaction, happiness, and relaxation. 

These are some hobbies, that can be profitable. It will be very positive to have any hobby, that’s profitable, like blog writing, photography or review writing. In this case, we will be more confident and enthusiastic. It will help us in stabling our economic condition and social status. 

We can adopt different hobbies at different times. It will be helpful in broadening our exposure. We can have more than one hobby as well, depending on our personality and economic condition. If we can afford more than one, we can be more active and progressive.

On the other hand, if we don’t have any hobbies, we can face a lot of issues and problems. We can feel boredom, depression, tension, and mental distraction. Young people can indulge in some harmful activities. We can have some psychological issues as well.

So, it is very positive to have some good hobbies and to spend our free time positively. It will be helpful in improving our job quality, our mental health, and our relationships. We have to find a balance in our lives according to their importance and demand.

01 June 2023

Importance of Family Systems in our lives

We humans are social beings, and require a family to live in. It is a basic and the most important unit in our lives.  In a family, different numbers of people can be included, depending upon its nature. A good family life can make our society from good to best, by providing a peaceful and positive atmosphere.

Family is a main, natural and basic unit based on kinship. It is the safest place for its members to live. There is a relationship of love and affection between family members; husband, wife, children and grandparents. There is a chain of relations, associations and interests, that make this relation a unique one.

The fundamental requirements of life can only and only be provided through the family. A child cannot be survived without his family; his mother, his father and his siblings. Essentials of life, attachment and security all are associated with family. 

In disastrous situations like an economic crisis, any epidemic or any natural disaster, the family provides unconditional support. It gives physical, emotional, economic and psychological support. Without this support, an individual cannot survive in a positive way. 

Family can be of two types; nuclear and joint with their pro and cons. In our Asian society, there is a tradition of a joint family system. Its main plus point is that in the large system, the responsibilities are shared. The main issue of any family is economic. If it is posted on one person, it will be difficult for one person, like in a nuclear family. In all other difficult situations, it will be easy to handle the situation, like handling jobs and joblessness, any diseases physical or psychological or any other setback. Parents are cared for respectfully.  

On the other side, we see there are some issues related to this; clashes with close relatives, mother in law and daughter in law, father in law and daughter in law, among brothers, between cousins and sister in laws. These beautiful relations can become an issue and cause of restlessness in the family. It can be resulted in the worst results.

The nuclear family system has two sides as well. The main plus point is its independence and peace. Fewer problems with fewer people. There is a better opportunity to handle any situation inside the family. All family members are in the closest relation and contact. In this way, close relations can meet with each other in a better way. Parents live independently or with any of their children. On the other hand, in the case of any issue, it has to face itself. In any difficult situation like joblessness, any sudden ailment, any disaster or any marital issue, it will be handled alone by that family. 

In short, our attitudes matter a lot. If we are honest, loving, caring, realistic and just, we can lead a better life, either in a nuclear or in a joint family. If in our traditions, a joint family is recommended, we can live in a better way. If we have the opportunity or compulsion to live in a nuclear family, we must survive in a positive way. We can make our lives better by dealing with life issues positively and in a courageous way. We must lead a peaceful life with love, care, sympathy and empathy that will be resulted in strong family bonds with deep affection for each other.

25 May 2023

Be Good Parents

Being a parent is a real blessing from Allah. The factual basis of this statement can be understood if we talk to any childless couple. It is an honor to be a parent, but it also poses a responsibility. The bigger the blessing, the higher the responsibility. We can make our lives and the future of our generations from good to best by providing good care and training to our loved ones.

When a girl becomes a mother or a man becomes a father, that age is usually not a mature one. At that age, this responsibility became the toughest one. Now how can we help out our parents by presenting some guidelines:

  1. Make our children confident boost their self-esteem: Parents can develop their self-esteem, by using better gestures, language, attitude and body language. We must not compare our children with others, it will damage their personality and feelings of unworthiness. So we must be very careful in using our words.

  1. Give your quality time to your children:

For all this, we have to spare our precious time for our children. In this way, you can better understand the personalities of your children, the problems and the happiness of your loved ones. We must fix some quality time with our family; at meal time, at leisure time, and at work time. This will create a loving and caring relationship between parents.

  1. Establish some rules and be consistent with them:   

It is also important to establish some rules for all family members, to create uniformity and smoothness. It is also necessary for children to shape their personalities and manage their lives, in an unseen and caring way.

  1. Try to listen to your child’s voice: 

It is crucial to listen to your child’s voice, to know him, his problems, desires, fears and aims. It will help us understand them and act according to their special requirements. In this way, we can find out any special issue faced by them 

  • Misbehaved by classmates, harassed by people around them, or during travel to school.

  • They can be sexually harassed by people around her/him, e.g. relatives, friends or anyone, they have blind faith. So, as a parent, we must be vigilant enough. 

  • Some children are financially exploited. Their money was snatched by their more powerful and fearful mates. So, at the same time, they have to lose their money and having fear of disclosing this. Our innocent children have to face this trauma alone and they can develop some psychological ailments as well. So, our careful vigilance is a must. 

  • Our children, at a certain age, can face some hormonal changes. We have to have some information about these. To help our children pass this critical period safely. On the other hand, we can leave our children alone to fight with their issues and face critical attitudes from family members and outside the family. Parents must be so careful at this time.

  • We must have unconditional acceptance: 

We must love our children unconditionally. In this way, we can own our child, and then we can try to make the necessary corrections. It does not mean to support our children in their faulty behaviours, but to own them for their correctness.

  • We must be a good role models for our children:

Children copy their parents’ behaviour more than their sayings. So, we must present good examples for them to follow. For this, we have to have some control over ourselves. We can have some gray areas, so, we must try to practice our bright areas.

Our children are our first and foremost responsibility. We must be very vigilant about them, with love and care. In this way, we can make our lives, and the lives of our children more positive. This goodness will havpositivegood impact on our whole social life.

18 May 2023

The Real Beauty of Our Personality

The real beauty of our personality is not the beauty of our face but it is the prettiness of our mind and our attitude. Outer beauty or apparent beauty is not a guarantee of a good personality. For making our lives from good to best, inner beauty is more important than outer one. 

Our personality is the combination of our face, beliefs, mindset, attitudes, and behavior. It is also a fact that we must try to make our appearance looks good because the apparent presentation is also matters. We take good care of our dress, face and our expression because it will help us in leading a good life. But it is not enough to improve our personality.

We must also focus on our conversation, our facial expressions, our body language and behavior. All these are affected by our mindset and attitude about the people and things around us. We must increase our span of knowledge, broadness of ideas and depth of views. In this way, we can present ourselves in a more presentable and attractive way. An ignorant or careless person usually gets less attraction by others.

We see, nowadays, there is more focus on our physical beauty and attractiveness. Media is occupied almost fully by beauty tips, smartness, dresses jewelry and cosmetics. All channels are presenting adds regarding these. They place a larger space in our budgets. 

It is also a fact that good looking people are treated more gently and respectfully. They secure jobs, social acceptance and marital 

Matches too. If selection is based on all these bases, the results will not be definitely positive.  If job is given on this base, the performance is not assured. Especially, in the case of marital matches, it will be short timed happiness. Physical beauty is temporary, and goes not guarantee successful relations. Inner beauty is more durable and provide real happiness.    

The real beauty comes from strong character, honesty, loyalty and sense of responsibility. If a person loses these qualities, how much physically attractive he will be, he cannot be considered a good person. With all these basic qualities, physical beauty can be considered a gift. That must be handled with care and wisdom.

11 May 2023

Be Honest in Your Life

Honesty is the best policy, it is a famous saying, and it really works. This characteristic is very valuable for our whole lives, individual, collective, and national. To make our lives go from good to best, honesty is a crucial factor, the key to success.

Honesty is a way or path, that is based on reality, truth, and facts. It is safe, respectable, and straight, and it guarantees success. Honest people are always confident, and brave, and feel free and happy.

It is a very vast term and covers our whole lives and matters. First of all, we must be honest with ourselves. We must be aware of our grey and bright areas, our circumstances, our boundaries and limits, and our required behavior. Our self-perception must be right and based on reality. In this way, we can lead a successful life by choosing positive directions for us and making practical and good decisions.

On the second level, we must be sincere with our related people, including our family members, our friends, co-workers, nneighbors,and other community fellows. We must do what is in the interest of our own and in the favour of all others. With a collective mindset, we can do better as compare to only an individual approach.

On a higher level, we can do something that can be only in the favor of our country and nation. At this stage, we forget our- selves, and the benefit of our relatives and loved ones and think only for others and our people and nation. At this stage, we serve on a very superior level, and forget all other relatively minor ones.

We can find these types of examples all around us, in the case of heavenly people, religious leaders, and national leaders. We see in the history of the world, so many people like that. All profits are the perfect examples of these people, like Hazrat Mohammad PBUH, Hazrat Abraham, the Jesses, and many more. They lead their whole lives for the sake of the guidance of their people. They have to face a lot of unbearable hardships in this way.

Then we see some examples in other people as well, like Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Yasir Arafat. They devoted their lives for the sake of their people in a very positive way. They changed the history and the luck of their people, by sacrificing their own personal lives. These are all the saviors of mankind.

Crafting Your Unique Path: Navigating Lifestyle Mastery and Personal Growth

 Lifestyle mastery is an evolving journey of refining one's daily habits and routines to better align with personal goals and values....