09 March 2023

How Can We Change Our Perspectives?

There is always a chance for improvement, nobody is perfect. So, we must try to find out our grey areas and must try to improve. It will not be an easy process for all of us. It is a fact that we are very critical observers of others but we are very weak observers of ourselves. If want to improve our lives and want to make them from good to best, we have to critically analyze ourselves too.

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We can try some tips for it like:

  • Self-analysis at the End of the Day:

It is a very positive and effective way to study ourselves. At the end of the day, we can see and deeply observe our behaviour throughout the whole day, honestly. In this way, we may find some good and encouraging acts. We can try to repeat these kinds of attitudes again. We may find some less positive behaviors as well, which may result in unhappy feelings. We can try better options for the future. 

  • Study the Behavior or Attitudes of Others:

If we are seriously interested in self-improvement, we have to study others’ attitudes towards us. In majority of the cases, we can see and judge our attitudes through others’ behaviors, just like mirrors. Our way must be very objective.

  • Courage to own weaknesses and to Make a Change: 

Usually, there is a natural resistance to accepting the presence of any fault in personality. So, improving our perspective is so demanding. It may require a strong desire, and courage to accept drawbacks in perspective and to do the effort required.

Our perspective is an important part of our personality and it creates our impression as well. So, we must review our perspectives on a regular basis. It will make us more lively and acceptable in society. We have to face some criticism in this process, but we must always remain positive and consistent.

02 March 2023

Impact of Unplugging on Life

It is always an issue to unplug any habit, it will require strong willpower and motivation behind it. In today's fast-paced world, it will be challenging to disconnect from technology and unplug from our cell phones. However, if we became successful in can disconnecting or can control its usage, can lead us towards life from good to best by providing numerous benefits for our mental and physical health. In this blog, we will try to explore the benefits of unplugging and provide some tips and suggestions in this regard.

Excessive usage of everything is not good, it can damage our bodily and mental health. By achieving control over the new devices related to the internet, we can have the most significant benefits for our mental and physical health. Constantly being connected to our devices can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and even depression. By taking some time to unplug, we give our brains a chance to rest and recharge, which can lead to improving our mood and a greater sense of well-being.

Along with mental peace and activeness, it also provides body relaxation and health, by giving more time to physical activities and games and as a result improves physical health. The blue light emitted by electronic devices can interfere with our natural sleep rhythms, making it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep We can have better sleep opportunities, which is crucial for our better and positive life.

Our present routine has affected our social lives a lot. With this busy routine and the over-usage of these electronic devices, we have to sacrifice our precious relations and the responsibilities related to them. If we have some common leisure time together, we, unfortunately, remain busy with our mobiles or tablets. We may miss so many important moments and experiences. By unplugging, we can be more present with our loved ones, enjoy nature, and engage in hobbies and activities that bring us joy.

So, it is very important to look into some valuable tips and suggestions to have a more positive life with limited electronic usage:


1.   Set boundaries and make a practical schedule for its usage.


2.   Check your email and social media regularly, at a certain time.


3.   Avoid checking your devices first thing in the morning and before bedtime, it can disturb our daily routine.


4.   Engage in tech-free activities. Take a walk in nature, read a book, or engage in a creative hobby that does not involve screens like playing some game, cooking or baking, painting or knitting.


5.   Create a tech-free environment in your home. Try to provide different interesting and healthy options to our children and other family members. Consider designating certain areas of your home as tech-free zones, such as the dining room or living room.


6.   Use a timer for setting a time for using mobiles, for 30 minutes or an hour from your devices during that time.


7.   Use these devices in a careful way by making an optimum distance and by using protective screens or glasses.

Unplugging can be challenging, especially in a world where we are constantly connected to our devices but we have to take a bold step for ourselves, our loved ones and our society. So, take a break from your devices, and enjoy the benefits of unplugging. 

23 February 2023

Impact Of Reading On Life

Life is a great blessing of our Creator and we must take good care of it.  There are so many ways to do it that can help us like by taking care of our health, by getting useful education and by improving our reading habits. To make our lives from good to best, we can add the habit of reading books. 


Book is our best friend, it is a phrase, which has a lot of worth in it. Those who love book reading live a very positive life. They are always paid back due to this habit or hobby. They can be blessed by:

  • Gain valuable knowledge: Book reading always results in an increase in knowledge, exposure and maturity. The time we give to reading is an asset, and it gives profit as well. The information related to any subject is the most fruitful but the general information is also of great value. We can increase our worth by increasing our knowledge in different fields.

  • Activity of the Brain:  That reading stimulates a complex network of circuits and signals in the brain. Plus, as you improve your reading ability, these networks become stronger and more sophisticated.

  • Kills Boredom: Book readers never get trapped in boredom

 and can enjoy their time in reading something, they don’t waste their time, they don’t sit aimlessly, they utilize their time in a positive way.

  • Improves Communication Skills:  Book reading increases our body of knowledge and it results in the improvement in our communication skills. It leads to the improvement in our image and place in society. We can be more confident and valuable in our circle. 

  • Reduces Stress: During reading something, our mind shifts from our personal tensions towards the world of that book. It reduces our level of stress and anxiety. So, in daily life, we must fix some time for reading something, it will lead us to a better life. Studies found that just 30 minutes of reading can lower our blood pressure, heart rate, and feelings of psychological distress and also discovered that reading is the better way to reduce stress in comparison to taking a walk, having a cup of tea or coffee, and playing video games. 

It Improves Memory: Book reading improves our memory. It

makes deep the lines of memory prints on the brain. In this way, our memory improves.

  • Improves Empathy: It is shown after research that long-term fiction readers tend to develop a better understanding of other’s minds and it means our capacity for empathy and ability to understand others. Empathy is a very important quality for understanding our own people and developing good and positive relations with people.

  • Improves Mental Health: Reading has a very positive impact on our general mental health. It gives us mental exposure and increases our insight too. 

  • Increases our life-span:  we do a lot, for our longer and better life, and a good and positive way for this is reading. It is proven that those who read books, usually live longer and with a healthy mind and body.

It is never too late. ‘Well done’, for our readers and a soft invitation to our loved ones towards reading. We can improve our lives by starting to read something daily. It will lead us to a better life. Please try to change and improve yourself.

16 February 2023

Importance of gifts

“Gifts are magical”. It is a statement that really works. In human relations, there is a need to refresh them by doing something positive. We can adopt any way according to our choices like helping them by giving physical help or financial help, we can spend time with them, by giving them moral support or by giving gifts. All of them are a valuable ways to make our lives from good to best.

Gifts are a very positive way of creating positivity among people by many ways: 

To Express Your Love:

Gifts and by making a strong bond between two persons. It can be given to a mother, to a sibling; brother or sister, to our neighbours, to our relatives and to our spouse. It makes these relations more loving and caring. 

To make People Feel Special: 

 It is a language by which we can make someone special. It can increase the beauty of that relationship indeed. 

To Appreciate Others:

If we want to appreciate someone, like our students, our children, our parents, our teachers or our friends, we can do this by giving them gifts.

To encourage positivity:

To increase positivity around us, we can use gifts. Positive attitudes can be developed by giving some gifts.

Can make Happy and can extend lives:

Gifts can make us happy and it is a scientifically found fact that it can extend our lives. It is a very way to spread easy feelings and happy gestures around us. 

Gifts are meaningful, the price doesn’t matter a lot. Something valuable can be given as a gift like perfume, a shirt, a stroller, an album, a book, a pen, a painting, flowers or some positive, good and encouraging words.

In some situations, we cannot find something easy to say. In situations like that, we can show our positive gestures through gifts. If someone is angry with us, we can submit our excuse by sending a gift.

We see around us that gifts are also used as bribery. If we want to achieve something unduly, we give very precious gifts for this. Usually, in politics, this trend is prevalent. It creates so many issues in the lives of common people and encourages unhealthy attitudes and trends in society. So these gifts become a curse. So, our intentions are of crucial value, which can make a task-positive or negative.


09 February 2023

Effects of Global Inflation

There is a giant issue of inflation, all over the world. People are facing the everyday issue of price rises. It has frozen the flow of normal life and has affected the whole of human life. To provide people life from good to best, it is definitely required to control inflation. 

The effects of inflation are very strong on our lives. The prices of utilities are inflated on one side and the capacity for purchasing is decreased. Both are interdependent. If prices are raised, it automatically leads to problems in having these things. It leads to many compromises in our lives i.e. using less food having proteins and vitamins, wearing cheap dresses etc.

It leads to creating a vast gap between the rich and the poor. This gap may have resulted in many social, economic and mental issues. Social relations, economic disparity and political relations among human beings are results. In all these gaps, human noble qualities are compromised. It is not a good trend for the future of us and the lives of our generations.

Inflation affects the whole society and especially the white collar people. The elite class affects the least and the lower class survives by asking the people around them. The medium class or the people having white collar jobs have to pay the most. The vast majority of the people belong to that group of people. So, it is very necessary for people to control these conditions of the world. 

Price control is very necessary to control inflation in any society. 

In countries where governments are not caring for their people, the owners of mills and the shopkeepers, take the prices of their desire. This will result in increased inflation.

In any state, where inflation is in a controlled condition, the government is committed to facilitating the people by dividing national income with justice. These steps decrease the economic gap among people and result in social harmony and a caring attitude among people. All credit goes to that government and administration. This attitude is required from all over the world to control inflation and to facilitate their people.  


The government can control inflation by controlling the money supply by increasing interest rates. In this way the citizens will be encouraged to invest their money in their own country, which helps in decreasing inflation.

One more step can be taken by the government by releasing currency notes according to federal funds rates and overnight reserves. In this way, inflation can be controlled. 

We all can play our role to control inflation by having good control over our expenditures, according to our income and according to our requirements. In these conditions of high inflation, we must cooperate with our management. In this way, we can effectively play a good and positive role.

03 February 2023

Rights of Orphans

The detention of an orphan is a child who lost his father and did not reach puberty main in this status till his adult age i.e., 18 years. These innocent children are the responsibility of the whole society. The orphanage is a phenomenon which is not in our control, everyone can face it at any time. So, we must take special care of these children to make their lives good to best and to make our society a caring one.


All religions have presented guidelines to protect the rights of orphans but Islam has presented the best ones. It protects not only physical rights but emotional and psychological rights as well. These innocent children may require care, love and protection and we must try our best to provide them all these requirements.

The best example of an orphan is our Beloved Holly Prophet PBUH, who was born as an orphan because His father died before His birth. Firstly His mother and before her His caretaker Hazrat Haleema Saadia took good care in a clean and fresh atmosphere. Then His own mother reared Him till the age of 6 and after her death, He was cared for with affection by His grandfather, till 8 years of age. Throughout the pious life of Him, he was cared for but His own attitude was so nice and prestigious that is an example for all of us. He presented a very sober, loving attitude toward all of the people around Him.


The care of these children is an issue, not only in our society but it is the prevalent the world over. Unfortunately, they are not receiving their rights properly. We on our own personal level, on the level of society, country and internationally, we must take special care of these children, with care and love.

We consider Islamic teachings about this that secure the rights of people and especially orphans in the Quran and hadith. In one hadith it is said:

          “The best house among the Muslims is one where an orphan is well treated, and the worst house among the Muslims is one where an orphan is badly treated.

            These children have these rights:

The right to live in a family environment

The right to health and nutrition

The right to save the environment and life facilities

The right to get quality education

The right to have guidance from a caring adult

The right to be an educated and responsible citizenship

The right to be protected from abuse and neglect

The right to dignity and freedom

The right to spiritual development

These are some fundamental rights of orphans in any society. If we care about these rights, then we are doing some good for them and contributing to the betterment of these children and society as a whole.

26 January 2023

Need of Empathetic Attitude with Transcenders

    Some decisions are not of our own but are from our creator and we ought to accept them. People who adopt the appearance of males have some masculine tendencies and those who have feminine tendencies, they adapt accordingly. In our society, the life of transcenders is full of issues. To lead a successful life, we have to deal with it with acceptance, patience and intelligence.   

In our culture, it is considered an extreme situation to have a transcend child. Parents have to face very high social pressure to give their beloved child, to the community of transcenders. Then these innocent children are brought up without their original families and especially their mothers. They are reared by someone in their new homes. In most of the cases, they are not provided with educational facilities. At a certain age, they start their work, i.e. not respectable at all. 

    Transcenders are children of a special kind. If their parents will own them and give them normal care, they can have a better life. Parents can train them according to their tendencies and set their lives as boys or as girls. In this way, they can enjoy most of the beauty of life. They must face society’s pressure and provide them confidence and full support.

    There are many examples of transcenders, who lead a normal and successful life. One of my teachers was transgender, the boss of my uncle was also transgender. A transgender became the second wife after the death of her real sister.

We must give them due respect as human beings and as part of our families. Except for marital relations, they can lead successful life. In this way, we can insert life into their lives.

Crafting Your Unique Path: Navigating Lifestyle Mastery and Personal Growth

 Lifestyle mastery is an evolving journey of refining one's daily habits and routines to better align with personal goals and values....