18 August 2022

Looking At The Brighter Side

Usually, everything has two sides negative or positive, dark or bright. It depends upon us to focus on either side. Looking at the brighter side, we can create brightness in our lives. This optimistic view is necessary for our lives changing from good to best.

Life is full of events that can be distressing and tension creating for us. In this situation, we can make mild the effect by changing our vision. If we see the better side, then we can feel better and can motivate ourselves to do something positive.


In our lives, we have to face some negative events. It can include some failure, some health issues, joblessness, marriage problems or maladjustment at the workplace. All these situations definitely have some negative impact but some positive or less negative points will be there. In these scenarios, if we see only negative ones, we will feel more trouble. So, after the immediate period of disturbance, we must consider and focus on the positive or less negative sides. In this way, sometimes these less negative aspects may become brighter ones.


It is a fact that everyone has to face some undesirable events in life. This narration in fact presents a better option to deal with these negative ones. With the help of this strategy, in a better way, we can cope. On the other way round, the negativity of them can make us more disturbed and our lives may be more difficult for us. When we are in a position to have control over these undesirable issues, then by seeing the brighter side we can deal in a better way.


People living in desirable conditions can see the grey portion. In this way, they can destroy the positivity of their situation by focusing on the small grey areas of the bright scenery. It means we can see both angles of a situation. It depends upon us to choose a grey side or a brighter one. The people who can adopt this strategy proved to be successful, in a majority of the cases. In this way, we can prevent ourselves from some more negative resulting effects.

11 August 2022

Choose The Right Path

Mostly there are many ways to achieve something. Maybe it is the nature of human beings to choose an easy and short way but it is a fact that the best way is to choose the right path. To choose the right path can be long but it is the safest way and can lead us from good to best. 


The decision of right or wrong is not an easy one and we have to face conflict and tension during this process. The first step in this crucial way is to know our-self: our strengths and weaknesses. Then try to understand our passion and our likes and dislikes. We must take guidance and help from different sources like our religious teachings, our elders, our teachers, and ourselves or our conscience. In most of the cases, our conscience tells us the right way. So, it is very important to listen to its voice.


In the way of selecting the right path, we may have to change our direction. We must not hesitate and with courage and willpower, we must choose our way. Keep this thing in our mind that this path will lead us a long way. So, we must be persistent and try to continue it with our all powers and strengths.


The right path ensures us satisfaction and peace of mind. It is also possible that in this way we have to face hardships and inconvenience. In this case, we have to work with patience and persistence. If we lose our patience and change our direction, it will create a disturbance and waste of time and effort. But if you feel and believe at any stage that the path we have selected is not the right one, then we must change the way with conviction.


It is the matter of our internal desire, that matters a lot. We can choose the wrong way due to a lack of knowledge, our limited experience and exposure. In this case, when we feel the reality, we must change our way and try our best to choose the best one. If we choose the short way. The short and the right way is good and can save our time and effort but the short and wrong way is always risky and negative. If it has resulted in success, it will be temporary and baseless. In this way, peace of mind and satisfaction are always lacking.


If we chose a way, we believe is the right way for us, and put our all strengths and powers to achieve it, then we became successful with the help of Allah. So, we start this important process with prayers and with a positive mind. The results will be good, not only for you but for others as well.

04 August 2022

The Inflation Crisis

The crisis of inflation is faced by people, all over the world due to covid-19 and economic hardships. It is not easy to handle it due to a vicious cycle of problems. On one side the loss of precious lives and on the other side unemployment, inflation and excessively high prices. If we want to make our lives good to best, we have to take some positive steps to deal with the inflation crisis. 

One basic rule to lead a good life is to balance our income and expenditure. It is right that it is not easy to cut down our expenditures, but it is the demand of a wise attitude. It is a valuable factor for individual and social levels. If we ignore this rule, then we have to depend on loans. In the present situation, loans are offered at a high interest rate. That is fatal for individual and collective lives. 

It is the basic responsibility of the leader of the nation to take some smart steps to achieve a better economic condition. Our imports must be controlled by depending on our own products. We buy so many luxurious items like diet formulas for infants, diets for our pets, cosmetics, cigarette and electronic items. We can make all these things in our country and can boost our economy.

If we want to live as an independent and sovereign country, we have to take some bold steps. A family, with low income, was depending upon loans on monthly basis. First 15 days were used to be passed on the monthly income then the loan was taken for the last 15 days. Then they realized the negativity of this routine and they took a bold step to pass the whole month in their income. They have to sacrifice and faced some problems, but they get rid of the course of the loan.

This crisis is faced by the whole world generally but affected specifically developing countries. Where there is joblessness at its peak, salaries are extremely low, prices are uncontrolled and a large majority of people are living under the bottom line of poverty, inflation affects the most. In these countries, there is an extreme gap in salaries. It is very difficult to lead a satisfactory life. The salaries of the high class cross the upper limits but the lower class’ salaries cross the lower limit.

On the administrative level, the pay structure must be revised, this extreme gap must be controlled, Nizam-e- Zakat must be applied with its spirits, prices must be effectively controlled, new industries, educational institutions, and hospitals must be established and corruption must be controlled.

On an individual level, we mustn’t despair. Don't despair and try to take some steps to decrease the effects of inflation:

  1. Try to eliminate unnecessary expenses.
  2. Reduce the usage of electricity, water and gas. In this way, we can control our bills.
  3. Shop from cheap markets.
  4. Try to avoid loans.
  5. Try your best to increase your income by doing some extra work.
  6. Keep savings for bad times.
  7. Keep an eye on the people in need, in your surroundings and try to help them in your capacity.
  8. Pay your taxes honestly.

We must behave intelligently and make our lives good.

28 July 2022

Blessings Of Less Eating

It is a common belief that good and more eating is necessary for good physical and mental health. In our daily lives, we invest our efforts, money and time for having good and delicious food. Our media, print and social, invest most of their capacity in the publicity of the delicious foods and their preparations. The Antithesis of this whole trend will be surprising for most of us that there are so many blessings of less eating. It is strived to include different groups of food on daily basis, to make our health good to best.

It is discovered by Ibn-e-Khaldun that the people living in the areas abundant with food and grains are not healthier than from the areas where there is very small seasonings are there. People who have less food are healthy, smart, intelligent and having a fair complexion. The causes are described as that in their bodies, no extra fat expands their body parts and makes the function of the brain dull. No poisonous matters are grown in the stomach. Their spiritual capacity and activity are sharper than the people having plenty of food. When there is less food, there will be no wastage of time in making different delicious recipes. So the mind will have more spare time to think in deep about deep ideas. This thing will be increasing their mental and spiritual space and resulting efforts.

He gave the example of animals as well. Those who live in hilly areas where there are so many seasonings are there, are dull and having physique wise weaker bodies than the animals who are living in deserts, where there very few things to eat. These are intelligent and smart and have more active lives. People eating those animals are also like these animals, active, smart and intelligent.   

All these findings are good, but to reduce our diet, in the circumstances we are living is not easy or let’s say not possible. It will require extreme self-control and awareness of health rules. One more important thing is that our stomach is habitual of eating more. The sudden decrease can put harm to our bodies. The only gradual decrease in our food intake can do work better.

In our daily life, we see that people with thin bodies usually have more active and healthy routines. They can move more easily and do a lot of tasks than the people with more weight. People who eat less are healthier and have longer lives in most cases. They can do creative work more actively. Excessive eating can cause so many health issues like heart problems, diabetes or joint problems. 

These studies and findings, shown in the beginning, are presented by Ibn-e. Khaldun. Some findings of the same nature are also there. One study published in the Cell Metabolism journal concluded that cutting calorie intake by 15 per cent over two years can slow ageing and protect against diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's. It is also reported that after they start to lose weight, their hunger levels subside a bit and they start to feel the benefits of the weight loss. They find it easier to move around, their joints hurt less, they feel better.

The importance of diet is self-evident. One cannot survive without eating. We must focus on our diet patterns and try to improve them. The gradual decrease in our eating and selection of balanced diet, with some gap, about 5-6 hours, will help us to improve our daily lives. It will not only improve our health but also increase our mental and spiritual abilities. It will decrease the chances of illness and can increase our life span. Some exercise also can help a lot. Balance is the rule of this world and for our healthy life as well.

The outcome of this write up is that we must be eating to live and not to live for eating.

Skills to Prosper in Life

Prosperity is a relative term. It cannot be generalized. One can feel prosperous due to one thing and the other can feel due to some other. Skills to prosper in life are definitely important and those can help in making our lives good to best. Our lives, individual or social, must not be static. There must be a continuous process towards prosperity.


In all this process, we have to consider our skills, which are giving and demanding. Demanding for us and for others. There are so many skills which can be valuable. In different situations, different skills can be of great value. We must focus on our plus points to improve the situation as a whole. 

Some personality characteristics play a basic and vital role in it: 

1. Identify your strengths and weaknesses.

First of all, we must be self-aware. We must know our bright and grey areas and then we have to work on our weaknesses and enhance our brighter ones, by thinking critically. Then the strengths can be improved and weaknesses can be replaced with positive ones. Some skills can be more giving than others those must be appreciated. In this way, we can start an ongoing process of prosperity in our lives and society.

2. Feedback is crucial.

We must ask for feedback to improve our performance. Then Accept criticism and suggestions. After asking for feedback, it will be of vital importance, to welcome criticism and suggestions. On the basis of this feedback, we can improve our skills and strategies.

3. Train your skills.

Training and practice are must as this quotation says “Practice makes a man perfect”. Our skills can become more valuable with practice and perfection. The qualities after training and continuous practice, convert our qualities into our skills.

4. Set goals and monitor your progress.

Goals can give us direction and motivation and set targets for us. without it, our efforts cannot be fruitful. When we start any task, we must know what we are going to achieve. This makes our struggle more oriented and directed.

5. Observe and listen to others.

To live in our small circle is not a positive way to lead our lives. We must be observing and listening beings. It will broaden our scenario and may be helpful in leading a meaningful life.

6. We must expand our canvass.

If we expand our vision and broaden our minds, we can perform in a better way. So, we must increase our circle of effectiveness.

Human life is very precious. We must lead a life, that is full of activity, effort and motivation. We must put our best into our life situations. Success depends on many factors that are not always in our control. Our responsibility is just to do our best with ourselves and with others.

21 July 2022

Know Your Worth

 Everyone in this world is born with some worth. Those who search and get the benefit from it, remain successful and lucky in life. It is of vital importance to know your worth and make your life from good to best and in changing others’ framework of life in a positive direction.


To know one’s own worth depends on many factors around us. If our living environment is enriched and open, then the chances of disclosure of our worth will be easy. An encouraging scenario can better help us not only in knowing our worth but can provide more chances to establish and prove these positive aspects.


Home environment is of crucial importance. If we have a sensitive and loving family, then these chances are multiplied and in the reverse case, the results can be totally negative. So, it is of extreme importance to be vigilant and encouraging.


Knowing your worth and value is vital if you’re going to have success and happiness in your life. The knowledge of our worth can give us confidence, which can make our lives meaningful and successful. In this way, we can feel fully alive and as a valuable contributing part of society.


The more you believe in your abilities and in your own self, the more efficient and effective you’ll be in all aspects of your life. You’ll have positive self-esteem, recognize the difference you make, be clear about your values and engage in activities that are more fulfilling. Every person is unique, so don’t compare yourself with others.


It is important for all of us to lead our lives with confidence and knowing one’s worth can help a lot. Confidence can improve our lives a lot. It can help us not only finding our plus points but also important in creating more positive features in our lives. So, it is important to accept yourself unconditionally, and then try to evaluate yourself honestly. If you find something that is not favourable for you, then you can strive to adopt more positive ones.


It will be awesome not to recognise our worth. In this way, we can harm ourselves and the people related to us. Our life is so precious and a blessing to us. It is extremely important to try to know our worth, which has been blessed by our creator. We can lead a successful life with the recognition of our plus points and at the same time, we can lead an unsuccessful life, with so many issues due to just ignoring them. The environment and the people living around us can play a vital role into it.

14 July 2022

The Magic Of Encouragement

The words and gestures, others give to someone, have an effect. It depends on the nature of the remarks. Encouragement can be used, for the shaping of human personality by moving them from good to best ways of achieving desired goals. This is the magic of encouragement.

This works in this way that positive reinforcement is presented after a behaviour and desired behaviour is more likely to occur and reoccur. In personality development, it can help remarkably.

Our simple encouraging words and actions can make miracles. These words can be like:  There you go, Keep up the good work. Keep it up, Good job, I’m so proud of you. A tired person, who is feeling so low became suddenly active and enthusiastic by listening to encouraging remarks e.g. well done, great job or such a brilliant idea. So, to uplift backbenchers, these kinds of words can make a great improvement in their performance.

Encouragement brings with it many benefits in the people, as it is the act of giving someone support, confidence and hope.  A remarkable incident must be shared that a prisoner in jail was leading a dull and discouraged life. An officer visited the jail and passed encouraging remarks about him, “You are very intelligent”. These 4 words sentences made him a different man. He feels that he is so intelligent. After many years, that prisoner became a very successful person, after coming out of jail. That officer met him on some occasion. The successful man (the former prisoner) told him that you are the cause of my success by giving encouraging remarks “You are very intelligent”. It shows the miracle of encouragement.

When we are encouraged, our confidence grows. The encouragement might provide a momentary lift or change someone's confidence for a lifetime. Either way, it matters – and you never know when what you will say will make a big difference in someone's confidence.

  1.  When we are encouraged, our confidence grows. The encouragement might provide a momentary lift or change someone's confidence for a lifetime. Either way, it matters – and you never know when what you will say will make a big difference in someone's confidence.
  2. Encouragement creates belief. When we know that others believe in us, it changes everything. When we encourage people, we are letting them know we see what they have done, and by extension, believe what they will be able to do in the future; and that improves their belief in themselves and their potential.
  3. Encouragement builds confidence. Does your confidence increase when people let you know how what you are doing is making a difference? It is true for you and for others too. When we are encouraged, our confidence grows. The encouragement might provide a momentary lift or change someone’s confidence for a lifetime.
  4. Encouragement improves attitude. We never feel worse after someone encourages us. Encouragement almost by definition makes us feel better, puts a bounce in our step and smile on our faces. And when our attitude is better, we are healthier, happier and more productive.
  5. Encouragement promotes action. Sometimes moving forward, taking action and trying new things is hard – for anyone. Look at the four items you have just read about: awareness, belief, confidence and attitude; as we have more of any one of these, our ability and willingness to take action grows, doesn’t it? Now imagine something that we could do or say to someone else that grew all four . . . how powerful would that be? Genuine, authentic, meaningful encouragement is that thing; and that is how powerful it can be.

It is very easy and good for us to play our positive part in changing other’s life in a better direction by giving encouraging remarks. In this way, we can make a difference in our surroundings, in a slight way.

Crafting Your Unique Path: Navigating Lifestyle Mastery and Personal Growth

 Lifestyle mastery is an evolving journey of refining one's daily habits and routines to better align with personal goals and values....