The crisis of inflation is faced by people, all over the world due to covid-19 and economic hardships. It is not easy to handle it due to a vicious cycle of problems. On one side the loss of precious lives and on the other side unemployment, inflation and excessively high prices. If we want to make our lives good to best, we have to take some positive steps to deal with the inflation crisis.
One basic rule to lead a good life is to balance our income and expenditure. It is right that it is not easy to cut down our expenditures, but it is the demand of a wise attitude. It is a valuable factor for individual and social levels. If we ignore this rule, then we have to depend on loans. In the present situation, loans are offered at a high interest rate. That is fatal for individual and collective lives.
It is the basic responsibility of the leader of the nation to take some smart steps to achieve a better economic condition. Our imports must be controlled by depending on our own products. We buy so many luxurious items like diet formulas for infants, diets for our pets, cosmetics, cigarette and electronic items. We can make all these things in our country and can boost our economy.
If we want to live as an independent and sovereign country, we have to take some bold steps. A family, with low income, was depending upon loans on monthly basis. First 15 days were used to be passed on the monthly income then the loan was taken for the last 15 days. Then they realized the negativity of this routine and they took a bold step to pass the whole month in their income. They have to sacrifice and faced some problems, but they get rid of the course of the loan.
This crisis is faced by the whole world generally but affected specifically developing countries. Where there is joblessness at its peak, salaries are extremely low, prices are uncontrolled and a large majority of people are living under the bottom line of poverty, inflation affects the most. In these countries, there is an extreme gap in salaries. It is very difficult to lead a satisfactory life. The salaries of the high class cross the upper limits but the lower class’ salaries cross the lower limit.
On the administrative level, the pay structure must be revised, this extreme gap must be controlled, Nizam-e- Zakat must be applied with its spirits, prices must be effectively controlled, new industries, educational institutions, and hospitals must be established and corruption must be controlled.
On an individual level, we mustn’t despair. Don't despair and try to take some steps to decrease the effects of inflation:
- Try to eliminate unnecessary expenses.
- Reduce the usage of electricity, water and gas. In this way, we can control our bills.
- Shop from cheap markets.
- Try to avoid loans.
- Try your best to increase your income by doing some extra work.
- Keep savings for bad times.
- Keep an eye on the people in need, in your surroundings and try to help them in your capacity.
- Pay your taxes honestly.
We must behave intelligently and make our lives good.