Might is Right
Might is right is an idiom, which means who has strength or power can do everything, good or bad. Is it true all the time? If we observe the history of this world, we see in most of the cases, it is proved true but not in all cases.
In our society, in almost all fields of life, we see its implementation. In politics, in government, in the social sector, in sports, and in all of the institutions. In its presence, the majority of the people have to face a lot of problems, inconvenience, and mental torture. In these circumstances, people cannot lead productive or even peaceful life. A positive pressure is a must in a successful life but negative and undue pressures affect negatively.
There is only one, who has the real Might. All others, who have might are under His Jurisdiction. They must try to follow Him in this regard. If it is followed, then this might can be called Right. If they try to do it, their might will be a right might and will be good to best. Right might is always justified and may produce positive results. It will help to maintain justice, peace, and happiness in the society. If the case is opposite, the results would be reversed and could be severe.
The history of divine people shows that they do not have worldly power but their power is always right. So without any worldly might, they have spiritual power and it affected the people a lot. If they achieve worldly power as well, due to their justice and spiritual strength, their might was right. They implement their powers with justice and equality. So, they are always successful and followed by the majority of the people.
In the majority of the cases, we see that this rule is working in an extremely negative way. In the world, countries acting as superpowers, are using their might in their interest only. They don’t consider other countries as independent countries. To destroy any country, to achieve their own goals, without any sense of guilt. They don’t respect human lives, women, children, or even patients. If they are, in actuality, superpowers, you have more responsibility to do justice and protect small countries. If you hold this power in a positive way, it will be a great job.
If might is considered as intelligence or goodness, then it is positive. If intelligence is used for the betterment of the society and humanity, then this intelligence or might is the right one. It can also be used to get unjust benefits for ourselves by harming others. This type of intelligence is not acceptable.
The power, might be the power of wealth, the power of social status, the power of religious status, or the power of politics. In general, these powers are used as might in our society. The people having these powers exploit the general public by misleading them or by letting them down unfairly or using political power by force. These all kinds of powers are mighty but not right if used without justice. And It depends upon the people, who have these powers to use it either fairly or unfairly. By using these powers in a positive way, keeping in view the betterment of society and people, these can become a blessing or otherwise can become a curse for all.