09 June 2022

For A Man To Conquer Himself Is The First And Noblest Of All Victories

This wise quote is by a wise man Plato. He was the student of another very wise and divine personality Socrates. Plato in fact wrote the ideas of his teacher. This saying says that the main thing to do for a person is to conquer himself by knowing his strengths and weaknesses honestly and by trying to improve his personality. If we want to make our lives from good to best, this strategy will be the very effective one.


Usually, people think it is an outstanding achievement to conquer territories and people. It definitely requires many specific abilities and characteristics. It may require a bold and harsh attitude against others with a selfish hidden desire. According to this beautiful saying the real triumph is not to conquer others but to conquer our own self.


This achievement is not really easy to do. To conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories. To understand your strengths and weaknesses and then to do a struggle to control the negative aspects by suppressing your desires. It is the real Jihad. That is required as the grass-rout level of changing the society in a positive direction. If we want to live a truly positive life, we have to start with ourselves. Then we will be able to try to change the lives of others.


The truly brave person is not one who conquers others but true bravery is to conquer ourselves by doing a struggle against our evil personality trends and a conscious effort to adopt positive qualities. In this way, we can take one step towards positivity and lightening our surroundings. This one step may be the start of the brightness of goodness in the darkness of negativity.

03 June 2022

Pleasure In The Job Puts Perfection In The Work

“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work” is a quotation given by Aristotle, who was a great philosopher of the Greek age, but his sayings are marvellous. Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. It is crucial to work for leading a successful life and for making it good, it will be important to have satisfaction and pleasure in the job.

It is a fact that if you are satisfied with your job, you will be better, the quality of your work will be improved and finally, it may result in the development of society. We know it is an ideal condition, which must be our target to achieve. Question is, how can we get this ideal condition? 

It can be done in two ways: one is by making the jobs easier and enjoyable by management and the other is to make our jobs interesting for us. For this these steps can be helpful: 

  1. Be clear in your goals:

To make our jobs easier and more interesting, it is important to be clearer about our job goals. If we work hard for 8 or more hours without knowing our goals, then it will be difficult to work effectively.

  2. Make a To-Do List:

If we make a list of the tasks, according to their priority, then it will be easy to concentrate on the important tasks first. In this way, we can save our time for all other tasks in a good way.

  3. Save time for emergency tasks:

In this way, we can save our precious time for any unexpected emergency tasks. It is an important quality of a good worker.

  4. Trust in co-workers:

If we try to do everything by ourselves, it will not be possible for us to complete our duties in time. So, it will require that we guide our team workers effectively and then trust them.

  5. Save your time:

It is also very important to work honestly, do not save your precious time. In this way, you will find extra time to check your work and in choosing better ways to do your work.

  6. Be relaxed during work:

It is very important to be relaxed during your work, by taking small breaks after one hour or so.  In this way, you can better concentrate on your work.


A perfect job is one where you feel satisfied and look forward to going to work. It is important to note that the specific elements that make up a perfect job are different for everyone.


This enthusiasm and motivation will only come with a sense of satisfaction and happiness in one’s work which is given to them.


26 May 2022

Give A Man A Fish And You Feed Him For A Day; Teach A Man To Fish And You Feed Him For A Lifetime

This beneficial kind of quote is really meaningful. It is very important to fulfil some-ones need on the spot, but it will be more positive to make him able to fulfil his need himself. It will help a lot in making life good to best, not only of the person but for the whole society.

This quote is by Maimonides who was a medieval Jewish philosopher with considerable influence on Jewish thought. According to it, we want to make people independent, not depending upon others, we try our best to help them in finding some job or way of earning their living. In this way, we do a commendable job by making them independent. 


Teaching a person some useful skill can be more beneficial in the long run than filling a need for them temporarily, that’s basically the meaning of this proverb. If we help someone and give something, that can fulfil his need is not bad but to make him habitual of this help will make him dependent on us. On the other hand, if we help him in establishing some work or helping him in providing some job, it will make him independent. It will be more desirable.


The real help is to make a person able to achieve his livelihood himself. It will not be an easy thing in reality. To guide someone to try to earn something is important but cannot be successful all the time. In this process, our help can be helpful for him. In some cases, where having a job or some work is not easy or possible, the importance of charity is established. It is a divine system where the people who need our help are there. Where there is any possibility available, it will be commendable to help in making people independent, free from the charity.


If we flourish this wisdom in the world, it can do miracles. It is relevant with the reference almost all over the world; not only at an individual level but at the national or state level. In this way, we can make countries really independent, free from all kinds of pressures.

12 May 2022

Whatever You Are Be A Good One

This quote is written by Abraham Lincoln, who was the president of America. He wants to say in it that it is not important to have a special position or important place, but more important is to perform well in every position you have. In this way, we can make our lives from good to best, by having a good impact of us on our surroundings.


Abraham Lincoln was a very famous and beloved president of America. We know that in that important position in this world. If in this influential position, one tries to be a good one, then definitely he will be a good person with a very positive mindset.


The main lesson in this quote is to “be a good one”. It means that we must do a conscious effort to behave in a very positive way, in our all roles and positions. This effort will make not only our lives, in the right direction but also create a good impact on our surroundings. This is the crux of this beautiful saying.


If everyone tries to act upon this saying, then there must be a journey towards betterment. If an influential personality like the president of the United States of America, presents a quote like this, it means he tries to improve his performance. It will definitely encourage others to follow him by doing something good. If in all fields, people will do good, then there must be a positive change in the whole society.


If parents become better parents by doing something special, children try to become better children by doing some good, teachers try to be good teachers, factory workers work better and all other people strive to achieve a higher level of performance, then the lives of individual level, familial level, upper level and governmental level. In this way, we can develop our whole society, which is a high achievement.

09 May 2022

Sometimes The People With The Worst Past, Create The Best Future

“Sometimes the people with the worst past, create the best future” is one of the quotes by Hazrat Umar Ibn Al-Khattab. It means that the time doesn’t remain the same. We must not remain all the time, in the same condition. We can make our lives from good to best, with the help of prayers, effort and hard work.


It is observed commonly that the condition of the people doesn’t remain the same. It is variable with respect to the divine will, the strategies the person adopts, the prevalent social conditions and the nature of the person. It is proved true in the case of the originator of this quote. He was a different person altogether, before his acceptance of Islam. He became a totally new person and proved to be a great Muslim leader, afterwards. He proved his quotation word by word.


We see these examples all around us. It is observed that the families, who are not well off, worldly or spiritually, became well off in the next generation. What was the history behind this drastic change? They struggled a lot to uplift their condition. They had to face a lot of hardships in their lives to get their desired position.


This quotation is true in its original form and it is also proved factual in its revers form, which establishes its truthfulness. There are so many examples of people who belong to well-established families but they could not restore their status. The reasons behind this change can be so many including; the children of these families are enjoying very good economic and social conditions. They did not require to strive for better conditions. With the passage of time, they became habitual of not striving for anything. Then ultimately they lost their desire to strive for betterment. So, in this way, their backward journey started.


It is in our own interest to strive for a better position, with respect to spiritual status, economic condition and social set-up. To plan and do a purposeful effort to achieve the desired position, is essential. Devine support is an integral part of this process, so, we have to strive for this ultimate support.

08 May 2022

The Best Way To Predict Your Future Is To Create It

“The Best Way to Predict Your Future is to Create it” is a quotation given by Abraham Lincoln, who was a renowned political personality. This quote says that the best way to know what is coming in to be an active participant. By creating your future, you are an active player in creating the events in your future. By knowing what you want to achieve in life can guide and motivate you to act accordingly, to achieve it. In this way, we can make our future life from good to best.


Futures are taken as un-for-seen, which is an approach, which is prevalent in common. But a more positive one is future thinking is to strategic design that considers what is likely to change and what is likely to stay the same in the future. It may be more helpful in planning our future life.


It is also a fact that “There is no tomorrow to remember if we don't do something today” (Thomas Monson). We must lead our present fully with purpose, encouragement and satisfaction. This will lead towards a secure and better future.


Everyone wants a secure life, which means a secure future. We all struggle for it for the majority of our lives. We can make our future better by adopting some simple strategies and by changing our lifestyles like:

1. Have A Positive Attitude:

Positivity in life is always a credit. Having a progressive lifestyle, taking different changes in life with acceptance and plane for the future with prayer and hope can make our future life better than our present.

2. Visualize your desired future:

To have realistic dreams in our lives is a blessing but having dreams is not enough at all. We have to do purposeful struggle with motivation, to have them, in our lives. 

3. Connect with a Life Coach: 

Human support is always valuable in achieving big goals in our lives. Without guidance and motivation, it is usually difficult to achieve anything in life. We have to have some moral support with us, we have to have someone's guidance in difficult situations. 

4. Set Life Goals:

If we want to have a secure future, we must set some goals and then we must plan the necessary steps to make our aim easy to achieve.

5. Be Optimistic in life:

An optimistic attitude is essential. It can work as oxygen for life.

6. Take Responsibility for Your Own Actions: 

If we make others responsible for our miss-happenings, then we cannot improve our lives. We must do whatever we want thoughtfully.

7. Work in a Positive Work Environment:

Our environment is of great importance. In encouraging circumstances, it will be easier to perform in a desirable way.

8. Be Flexible:

One must not be rigid in our life goals. In this way, we will limit our success. We must be flexible in this selection of goals. Wider the canvas, wider the list of opportunities in life. 

9. Take Small Steps Towards Big Goals:

If we have very big aims, we will feel difficult to achieve them. So. It is important to divide our big goals into small goals. In this way, we will be encouraged, which is a key to success.

10. Take Care of Yourself:

In all this process, we must take care of ourselves by taking good care of our health, diet and rest. If we ignore ourselves, we cannot do anything good for ourselves.

It will be very positive to make our lives good with the help of praying, planning, doing good efforts and being positive. This positivity can create positive changes around us.

05 May 2022

Well Done Is Better Than Well Said

“Well Done is Better Than Well Said” is a quote by Benjamin Franklin. Well said and well done both are good and positive. Whatever is said well or done well has a good impact not only on the person, who is saying or doing it but also for those who listen or get the benefit of that. It is the fact that it is relatively easy to say something good than to do beneficial work. In both ways, we can make a positive change in our surroundings.

This quote is also explained by Steve Hoffacker that actions speak louder than words. It means that the effects of actions are more powerful than mere words. If actions are strengthened by words, then these have the most powerful effects.


Words are effective, but only words are not enough to make a change, good or bad. Actions are required more than mere words. We see sometimes words affect strongly and create drastic changes in people’s lives. Behind many influential social and economic changes, the words of some influential personalities are working. In some other examples, it is proved that only words create no miracle as Steve Hoffacker explains this quote by saying “Actions speak louder than words.” It means that actions are more influential than merely saying something.


This quote also says that we can make a change in a better way by doing something rather than only saying it through words. So, to say is an easy task than to do something valuable by our actions.


If our words are supported by our actions, these may produce a great change in our surroundings just like our prophets, who say their teachings in an impressive way and they also acted upon these teachings as well. In this way, they change a lot of people in the desired way. The special effect in their case is the special help of our creator.


We must adopt the best way of speaking that may affect others in a positive way and we also try to the actions which are also impressive, that can produce a valuable impact.

Crafting Your Unique Path: Navigating Lifestyle Mastery and Personal Growth

 Lifestyle mastery is an evolving journey of refining one's daily habits and routines to better align with personal goals and values....