Children are the main and the most important part of our homes, society, and the nation. Families require children for their completion, and in their absence, the family feels boredom and incompletion. They are a blessing and can make our lives from good to best, in almost every aspect of life.
‘Children are our future’ it is a famous saying. It is really a true one, in different ways, like; our future depends upon them. If our children complete their education in a good way, they can have good jobs and can perform their family responsibilities in a good way. It also requires the best care, love, and training in different fields of life. It does not mean that we must be under the pressure of our children, but it means they must be the central part of our family. They must be the centre of our attention, our family routine, our priorities, our planning must be child focus. In this way, we can make their lives in a positive direction.
Parents are the main administrators of the family, under the guidance of grandparents, in joint families. All members must be given due respect and iimportance,including children. The way of giving importance and respect is different for every person. If elders and parents are respected in a family, then children will learn to give respect to their parents and elders.
The rules and routine of a family must be set very carefully. It will have a deep and influential impact on the people living in it. If initially, it is set in a positive way, it can provide a solid and good base for life in the future. It will be a very basic and positive base for the family members. It will be a real blessing, that will have a longer lasting impact.
Children must be raised with care, love, and responsibility. They must be given self-confidence and self-respect. We must present our own life in an exemplary way because they follow actions far more than our sayings. They remember the attitude and way of responding to their parents and elders throughout their lives.
Our children can be of different natures and mental abilities. We must give them unconditional acceptance and love to them. We must not compare our children with other children. It may not be helpful in their upbringing. We must focus on the grooming of our children and try our best to enhance their exposure. It may help them face different issues in their lives.
If we have normal and healthy children, it will be a great blessing. If we have special children, definitely we are special parents with many more responsibilities. We have to be more courageous and brave ones. We have been given a more taught task to do and we must perform more carefully. We must try our best to raise our children in a way, that can help them be more independent and practical. Definitely, it will be dependent on the condition of our children.
Our children are a great blessing, they make our lives purposeful, meaningful, and lively. Parents who are not blessed with children can face sometimes many additional issues in their lives. Children perform as a bonding factor in any family. The parents, who don’t have children, can adopt children, to have the taste of becoming a parent. In this way not only married couples become parents, some children have their parents. It will be a great blessing both for parents and children.
Being a parent is a blessing and a great responsibility at the same time. So, we must lead our lives very carefully to perform this duty in a way that can result in a better way.