This beneficial kind of quote is really meaningful. It is very important to fulfil some-ones need on the spot, but it will be more positive to make him able to fulfil his need himself. It will help a lot in making life good to best, not only of the person but for the whole society.
This quote is by Maimonides who was a medieval Jewish philosopher with considerable influence on Jewish thought. According to it, we want to make people independent, not depending upon others, we try our best to help them in finding some job or way of earning their living. In this way, we do a commendable job by making them independent.
Teaching a person some useful skill can be more beneficial in the long run than filling a need for them temporarily, that’s basically the meaning of this proverb. If we help someone and give something, that can fulfil his need is not bad but to make him habitual of this help will make him dependent on us. On the other hand, if we help him in establishing some work or helping him in providing some job, it will make him independent. It will be more desirable.
The real help is to make a person able to achieve his livelihood himself. It will not be an easy thing in reality. To guide someone to try to earn something is important but cannot be successful all the time. In this process, our help can be helpful for him. In some cases, where having a job or some work is not easy or possible, the importance of charity is established. It is a divine system where the people who need our help are there. Where there is any possibility available, it will be commendable to help in making people independent, free from the charity.
If we flourish this wisdom in the world, it can do miracles. It is relevant with the reference almost all over the world; not only at an individual level but at the national or state level. In this way, we can make countries really independent, free from all kinds of pressures.